Les pratiques agricoles traditionnelles dans un village africain (République populaire du Congo) : ethnologie du tchintuali dans le village Nanga-Mpili (district de Hinda, région du Kouilou)
Paris 7Disciplines:
Abstract EN:
My study is based on professional practice and memories of my childhood. And most of all on the analysis of written as well as oral data which have been carefully selected. My aim was to find an answer to the problems and difficulties of the agricultural world in congo. All in all, the explanations are interdependent. But one of them is most important: the conflict between a european cooperative system in agriculture and an ethnic network of mutual support. To conclude, a revival of mutual exchanges between communities, the practice called tchintuali which is the object of our study, would offer a solution.
Abstract FR:
M'appuyant sur ma pratique professionnelle, de mes souvenirs d'enfance et, surtout des analyses des informations ecrites et orales collectees soigneusement, j'ai pense apporter une reponse au malaise de l'agriculture congolaise. Somme toute, les explications sont interdependantes. Mais l'une d'elle est predominante : le conflit entre la conception cooperative agricole europeenne et celle des entraides agricoles ethniques. En conclusion, l'exhumation des entraides agricoles ethniques a partir de l'etude de tchintuali realisee serait une approche de solution.