
La divination vodu : methodes et fondements

Defense date:

Jan. 1, 1990



Paris 7



Abstract EN:

The vodu, as system of belief, has its own base of reference. As a matter of fact, the term vodu, composed of "vo" (influence or power) and of "odu" (occult in yoruba metaphysical language), means occult influence or occult power, something human intelligence just doesn't clearly apprehend. Beyond the spectacular vision the stranger seems to have of this worship, hides a structured conception of the world with laws and rules. From the supreme god to the secondary gods, from the holy texts of fa to the divination, this thesis brings out the structure of the vodu thought as philosophical context in wich the vodu believer moves.

Abstract FR:

La divination vodu : methodes et fondements. Le vodu, en tant que systeme de croyance, possede sa propre base de reference. En effet, compose de "vo" (influence ou force) et de "odu" (occulte en langage metaphysique yoruba), le terme vodu signifie occulte ou force occulte , quelque chose que l'intelligence humaine n'arrive pas a apprehender clairement. Au-dela de la vision spectaculaire que l'etranger semble avoir de ce culte, se cache une conception structuree du monde avec des lois et des regles. Du dieu supreme aux dieux secondaires, des textes sacres de fa la divination, cette these met en relief la structure de la pensee vodu en tant que cadre philosophique dans lequel evolue le croyant vodu.