
Le mémorial corporel : patho-histoire du corps et de la personne dans le milieu paysan féminin de l'Italie du Sud, Samnium

Defense date:

Jan. 1, 1993



Paris, EHESS



Abstract EN:

The thesis' approach is derived from the theoretical junction between the italian anthropology of de martinio, the french school of the anthropology of illness and north american psychological anthropology. Through the combination of psychoanalytic and anthropological methodologies, narratives of peasant women of the southern italian region of samnium are analysed. These analyses demonstrate the manner in which the narratives accentuate the marked opposition between men and women, both explicit and implicit. The body's central r9ole is perceived as that of a corporal memorial in both historical and phenomenological terms, where both memories of traumatic and collective events, and memories of personal events are stored. Finally, these analyses demonstrate the tendency to situate feminine identity in an intermediate zone between illness and emotion.

Abstract FR:

Cette these se situe au carrefour theorique de l'anthropologie italienne demartinienne, de l'anthropologie de la maladie en france, de l'anthropologie psychologique en amerique du nord. En utilisant une double methodologie psychanalitique et anthropologique, la these analyse le recit des femmes dans un milieu paysan de l'italie du sud. Ces recits montrent: une forte opposition entre hommes et femmes, le role central du corps percu comme memorial a la fois historique et phenomenologique ou se conservent a la fois la memoire des evenements collectifs et la memoire des evenements personnels, la tendance a situer l'identite feminine dans une zone intermediaire entre emotion et maladie