Ethnographie de la pensée dans les lieux de la coopération sociale
Abstract EN:
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Abstract FR:
My thesis shows the results of two researches on social workers and customers of two big social cooperatives in Bologna (Italy). The first one regards the elderly disabled people's thought, the second one concerns the homeless people's thought. My methodology is focused on the thought of the targets and on the words they use to describe their reality. My study aims to analyze in-depth what the targets think relating to the residential services where they are hosted, managed by the social cooperatives. The analysis I conducted brought me to stresses the concept of “activities”. In fact the customers are more interested in “doing something” (in the sense of working or producing something) then passively receiving a social service. Usually these kinds of customers, (homeless, elderly disabled people. . ) are mostly considered like persons needing assistance (in the need of assistance), that is a burden on society. On the other hand they could play a key role in our community. They could represent an important source of “alternative energy”, also in the light of their certainly expected growing number in the next years. From the psychological point of view these people could improve the quality of their life, acquiring a new social role. The policies should be more focused on considering this “productive” potential. Is it an impossible challenge to imagine a process of collecting these otherwise lost “energies” to achieve, in the social services sector, the same results of the “green economy” in Italy? That’s why it will be useful starting this process