
L'homme proprietaire de lui-meme : le droit face aux representations populaires et savantes du corps

Defense date:

Jan. 1, 1991



Strasbourg 1



Abstract EN:

Biotechnologies' evolution has allowed for a wider general use of organs and products of the human body. The individual as well as research centres and industries can dispose of the human body in a way unimaginable up to now. Juridical and ethical debates seem to show an opposition betwen two points of view. On one hand there are those who think of the body as object, which allows the person to have a subjective right on it. On the other hand there are those for whom the body is untouchable and unvaluable for the person. The complexity fo the "body question" makes this type of dichotomy insufficient. Indeed, the body is subject and object at the same time. Its is sacred under certain circunst ances and instrumental under others. To think abour the very problem differently we try to underline the difficulties encountered by law as well as the obstacles confronted by scientific thoug, by means of a multidisciplinary approach of the problem (historical, juridical and philosophical); this will be done through inserting the matter within its historical context and offering a perspective that intergrates the different aspects of the human body.

Abstract FR:

L'evolution des biotechnologies a rendu possible l'utilisation de plus en plus generalisee des organes et des produits du corps humain. L'individu, mais aussi les centres de recherches ou les industries, peuvent disposer du corps d'une facon impensable auparavent. Dans les debats juridiques et ethiques deux points de vue semblent s'opposer. Les auteurs se partagent entre ceux qui accordent un statut objectif au corps (corps object), ce qui permettrait a la personne de faire valoir un droit subjectif sur celui-ci, et ceux pour qui le corps est intouchable et indisponible pour la personne (corps sacre). Mais la complexite du "phenomene corporel" rend insuffisante ce type de division. Le corps est sujet et objet a la fois. Il est sacre en certaines circonstances, instrumental en d'autres. Afin de penser le probleme autrement nous essayons, par une demarche pluridisciplinaire (historique, juridique et philosophique), de mettre en evidence les difficultes auxquelles se heurte le droit mais aussi les obstacles auxquels se voit confrontee la pensee scientifique, ceci en tentant de placer la question dans son historicite et de proposer un point de vue qui integre les differentes dimensions du corps humain.