Agriculture et protection sociale au Congo
Montpellier 1Disciplines:
Abstract EN:
The congolese rural societies know a true mutation; a situation of crisis : the populations which formerly made a profit on the social protection, garanted by the essential of their social needs, with difficulties to satisfy the essential of their social needs, with the disaggregation of the clanish solidarity and the failure of the state on the matter of the social policy. In front of the lost of the income, the deterioration of the state of health, the increasing of mortality, the acceleration of the rural exodus and the insalubrity, the peasants are aware of the necessity of an auto-organisation.
Abstract FR:
Les societes rurales congolaises connaissent une veritable mutation; une situation de crise : les populations qui jadis beneficiaient de la couverture sociale que fournissait le systeme de parente ont de plus en plus de mal a satisfaire l'essentiel de leurs besoins, avec la desagregation de la solidarite clanique et l'echec de l'etat en matiere de politique sociale. Devant la perte de revenu, la deterioration de l'etat de sante, l'augmentation de la mortalite, l'acceleration de l'exode rural et l'insalubrite, les paysans prennent conscience de la necessite d'une auto-organisation.