
Le systeme bancaire islamique

Defense date:

Jan. 1, 1992



Paris 2


Abstract EN:

In islam, interest on money is prohibited. Muslim populations have for long kept away from the banking secter. It has been, however, necessary to promote new financial institutions to mobilise dormant resources. That is why islamic banks have been erested during the 1970's in same muslin countries. Our ambition here is to study the theoretical hackground of an islamic banking system (ibs). Institutions and mechanisms of such a system are treated. Although, we tried to study some practical aspects of the ibs. Emphasis was on operating islamic banks in some arab countries as wall as pakistan and iran. Despite the differences between the twe experiences, islamic banks have to face a common challenge: avoiding the risk of disintermediation by using rationally and eddiciently the mobilised resources. At the international level, the ibs can contribute to the imprevement of world economic and financial order by promoting the techniques of the "macre-and micropartnership.

Abstract FR:

En islam, l'interet bancaire est prohibe. La naissance au cours des annees soixante-dix, de banques islamiques ne recourant par a la pratique de l'interet n'a pas laisse indefferents penseurs et economistes musulmans. Notre ambition est d'etudier la portee du systeme bancaire islamique (s. B. I. ), les questions d'ordre theorique qu'il suscite et les obstacles d'ordre pratique qu'il doit surmonter. Partout ou les banques islamiques ont ete creees, elles ont eu a faire face a un defi majeur: eviter le risque de desintermediation en gerant rationnellement et efficacement les ressources collectees. Au niveau international, la logique du s. B. I. Peut contribuer a l'amelioration de l'ordre economique et financier nord-sud en promouvant les techniques du "macro-et du micro-partenariat".