Formes et fonctions du sacrifice a yahweh d'apres l'ancien testament
Université Marc Bloch (Strasbourg) (1971-2008)Disciplines:
Abstract EN:
Following a doctoral thesis in religious sciences devoted to the history of research on israelite sacrifice (israelite sacrifice from 1750 to the present, strasbourg 1977), the present study will examine israel's sacrificial system, surveying the different types of sacrifices and studying for each kind the materials made use of, the rites, and the occasions on which it is offered. At the same time the interrelations between the different types of sacrifice will be demonstrated. The first part deals with the so-called expiatory sacrifices - the sin-offering and the reparation - offering - essentially apotropaic and cathartic rites which are intended to create, maintain, and restore the conditions which permit life to freely unfold. The first of these sacrifices functions mainly as a rite of passage, the second is principally a rite of the lifting of sanctions. The second part is devoted to sacrifices "which are a pleasing odour to god". The burnt-offering, offered solely to god, serves to establish, restore, or maintain communication with god. The peace-offering, a sacred meal shared between god, the priest and the one offering the sacrifice, permits the latter two to regenerate there forces through the partaking of sacred food. The cereal-offering, normally shared between god and the priests, forms the synthesis of the sacrificial system. These sacrifices make up a meal offered to god from those products which form the principal wealth of the country. Through this meal offered to god, or shared with him, israel expres- ses that god is at the same time different and alike, transcendent and immanent. The sacrificial system permits israel to function at the level of the irrational, to control those forces which belong to another sphere and on which depend in the final count its very existence.
Abstract FR:
Faisant suite a une these de 3e cycle consacree a l'histoire de la recherche ( le sacrifice israelite de 1750 a nos jours, strasbourg 1977), le present travail se propose d'etudier le systeme sacrificiel d'israel en passant en revue les differents types de sacrifices et en examinant a propos de chacun d'entre eux la matiere utilisee, les rites dont elle fait l'objet, les occasions ou il est offert, tout en mettant en evidence les interrelations entre les differents types de sacrifices. La premiere partie porte sur les sacrifices "expiatoires"le sacrifice "pour les peches" et le sacrifice de reparation-, qui sont essentiellement des rites a fonction apotropaique et cathartique destines a creer, maintenir et restaurer les conditions qui permettent a la vie de se deployer librement. Le premier de ces sacrifices a surtout une fonction de rite de passage, le second est principalement un rite de levee de sanctions. La seconde partie est consacree aux sacrifices "d'odeur apaisante" : l'holocauste, entierement offert a dieu, qui sert a etablir, restaurer ou maintenir une communication avec dieu, les sacrifices de communion, repas sacre partage entre dieu, pretres et offrant, qui permet a ces derniers de renouveler leurs forces vitales par la consommation d'une nourriture consacree, l'offrande vegetale, habituellement partagee entre dieu et les pretres, qui forme la synthese du systeme sacrificiel. Ces sacrifices constituent un repas offert a dieu a partir de ceux des produits qui forment la principale richesse du pays. Par ce repas qu'il offre a dieu ou qu'il partage avec lui, israel exprime que dieu est a la fois autre et semblable, transcendant et immanent. Ce systeme sacrificiel permet a israel d'agir au plan de l'irrationnel, en controlant ces forces qui appartiennent a une autre sphere, et dont depend en derniere instance son existence meme.