Intensification agricole, risque et developpement du marche interieur a madagascar
Paris 10Disciplines:
Abstract EN:
In madagascar, agricultural producers have to face repeated ecologic or economic hazards. The purpose of the present study is to analyse strategies used by malagasy farmers. To do so, we have to put in equation two forms of risks : 1) the + risk of losing advances ; : while working and investing on fields, the farmer runs the risk of a natural accident breaking off the cultivation cycle. 2) the + bridging risk ;, which is the risk that the farming concern fails in supporting the family. All along the year, the producer learns new informations regarding either ecological or economic conditions which prevails during farming activities. Accordingly, he reorients his programm of production. But the ressource allocation decided in the early agricultural season influences the capacity of redirecting the programm during the year. As a result of this improving information, the flexibility of the farming concern, regarding either techniques or organization, becomes a major criterion for the producer's decisionmaking. In short, peasants bear the + risk of losing advances ; thanks to flexibility, and minimize the + bridging risk ; by storing harvests or sparing. This study points out the ability of malagasy farm systems to adpat to risky environment, and gives an explanation to the remaining of extensive farming together with intensive techniques. Intensification reduces flexibility, because it makes the farmer work schedule more heavy ; but it becomes necessary under demographic constraint. The difficult development of the malagasy agrarian market is due to different objectives for regions (macroeconomic level) and farmers (microeconomic level). When specialized, regions are able to take benefit from their comparative advantages, while uncertainty incites malagasy producers to limit their specialization in market products.
Abstract FR:
A madagascar, les producteurs agricoles doivent affronter des aleas recurrents ecologiques et/ou economiques. Cette these a pour objet d'etudier les strategies adoptees par les agriculteurs malgaches, en environnement incertain. Pour cela, deux types de risques sont formalises : 1) le + risque de perte d'avances ;, que supporte l'agriculteur en realisant ses avances, pendant le processus de production. C'est le risque qu'un alea interrompe le cycle cultural. 2) le risque de soudure, risque que l'unite de production ne puisse satisfaire les besoins de l'unite de consommation. En cours d'annee, le producteur dispose d'informations nouvelles sur les conditions naturelles et economiques de l'activite agricole. Il reoriente en consequence son plan de production. Toutefois, les choix initiaux de cultures conditionnent cette possible reorientation durant la campagne. En situation d'information croissante, la flexibilite de l'exploitation agricole, qu'elle soit technique ou organisationnelle, est un critere dominant de choix du producteur. Schematiquement, le chef d'exploitation gere le risque de perte d'avances en developpant la flexibilite de l'unite de production, et le risque de soudure, en stockant des produits ou en epargnant. Cette approche permet d'expliquer la persistance de pratiques culturales extensives? conjointement a des techniques intensives. L'intensification reduit la flexibilite, en chargeant le calendrier agricole ; elle est neanmoins inevitable sous contrainte demographique. La difficile construction du marche agricole a madagascar reflete la divergence des interets aux niveaux macro et micro-economiques. En se specialisant, les regions exploitent les avantages comparatifs ; pourtant la specialisation marchande demeure marginale, car trop risquee pour le producteur malgache.