
Les filles prodigues. Elements pour un dialogue entre les theologies feministes et la theologie classique

Defense date:

Jan. 1, 1996




Abstract EN:

The following thesis analyses and presents an "ecumenical dialogue" of a new kind, namely between feminist theologies and traditional theology. The feminist theologies are presented following the general directions of the pioneer work done by german and anglo-saxon female theologians. Traditional theology is seen from the viewpoint of the work done by the word council of churches (w. C. C. ) in favour of women. The issues that were under lined but not fully dealt with by the w. C. C. , are taken up again in this thesis, which compar es the options of feminist theologies to those of traditional theology. A first part concentrates on the imago dei and analyses the stances taken by feminists on the one hand and by the churches on the other hand in relation to the concept of the body; it then deals with the feminist challenge that consists in seeing god in the image of women. An other part of soteriology presents the feminist concepts of sin, grace, redemption and eschatology and compares them to traditional theology in relation to sin, to the lutheran theology of the cross and the cooperation of the faithful with god. A part on ecclesiology studies the feminist proposals as regards authority in the church, authority of the scripture and that of tradition; it then discuses mariology and the ordination of women to priestly ministry, as well as the vision of the community of the faithful as "koinonia".

Abstract FR:

Cette these explore et presente un "dialogue oecumenique" encore inedit : entre les theologies feministes et la theologie classique. Les theologies feministes sont presentees selon les orientations des pionnieres dans le domaine germanique et anglo-saxon. La theologie classique est abordee a partir du travail du conseil oecumenique des eglises (coe) en faveur des femmes. Les questions mises en evidence au coe, mais non poursuivies, sont ici reprises, dans une confrontation des options des theologies feministes et de la theologie classique. Une partie centree sur l'imago dei analyse les positions des feministes et des eglises par rapport a la corporeite, puis le defi des feministes de concevoir dieu a l'image des femmes. Une partie sur la soteriologie presente les concepts feministes de peche, grace, redemption et eschatologie, puis les confronte a la theologie classique sur trois points : le peche, la theologie de la croix, la cooperation des croyants avec dieu. Une partie sur l'ecclesiologie etudie les propositions feministes pour l'autorite dans l'eglise, l'autorite de l'ecritur e et celle de la tradition, puis discute avec la theologie classique la mariologie, l'ordination des femmes au ministere sacerdotal, la vision de la communaute des croyants comme "koinonia".