Nil cabasilas et son traite sur le saint-esprit
Université Marc Bloch (Strasbourg) (1971-2008)Disciplines:
Abstract EN:
Nil cabasilas (app. 1295-1363), one of the main byzantine theologians of the 14th century, remains till now unrecognized for being victim of the long lasting confusion between himself and his nephew nicolaos cabasilas in profit of the latter, as well as for his unpublished work, the biggest part of which has not been published yet. The first aim of this thesis is to present for the first time a major nil's work: the treatise on the procession of the holy spirit in its three parts: a) clear and brief answer to the latins, b) five speeches about the holy spirit, and c) the refutation of the thirty-four latin premises. The second part constitutes a french annotated translation. The introduction a) evokes the historical context; b) presents the author's life; c) presents his writings as well as his autographic codes; d) tends particularly to present and analyze the treatise on the procession of the holy spirit, examining successively: the date, the circumstances and the aim of its composition, its content, its sources (comparison with the anti-latin methods and contents both of barlaam the calabrian and gregory palamas, its influence on byzantine authors contemporary and posterior, as well as in the slavic world; e) presents the manuscript tradition. Three annexes present respectively: nil's hesychast opuscules, his writings, the first copyists of his work. The theological work of nil cabasilas presents a major interest, constituting one of the most developed, rigorous and precise enterprises of the byzantine world, that aims to refute the latin doctrine of filioque (by answering specifically to the thomist argumentation, whose direct knowledge had the author), and to precise the orthodox triadology in its whole, mainly with the help of the new clarifications of the palamite theology, whose fundamental adherent was nil cabasilas.
Abstract FR:
Nil cabasilas (vers 1295-1363) est l'un des principaux theologiens byzantins du xive siecle. Il reste aujourd'hui meconnu, d'une part parce qu'il a ete victime de la confusion entre lui et son neveu nicolas cabasilas au profit de ce dernier, d'autre part parce que la quasi- totalite de son oeuvre est restee medite jusqu'a ce jour. Le premier objectif de cette these est de donner la premiere edition de l'oeuvre majeure de nil: le traite sur la procession du saint-esprit en ses trois parties inedites: la reponse claire et breve aux latins. Les cinq discours sur le saint-esprit et la refutation des trente- quatre premisses latines; la deuxieme partie fait l'objet d'une traduction francaise annotee. L'introduction a) evoque le contexte historique; b) presente la vie de l'auteur; c)presente les ecrits de nil ainsi que ses codices autographes; d) s'attache en particulier a presenter et a analyser le traite sur la procession du saint-esprit, examinant successivement: 1) la date, les circonstances et la visee de sa composition, 2) son contenu, 3) ses sources (comparaison avec la methode et le contenu des traites antilatins de barlaam le calabrais ainsi que de gregoire palamas), 4) son influence sur les auteurs byzantins contemporains et ulterieurs, ainsi que dans le monde slave; e) presente la tradition manuscrite. Trois annexes presentent: les opuscules hesychastes de nil, son ecriture, les premiers copistes de ses oeuvres. L'oeuvre theologique de nil cabasilas presente un interet majeur car elle constitue l'une des entreprises les plus developpees, rigoureuses et precises dans le monde byzantin, d'une part pour refuter la doctrine latine du filioque (avec pour originalite de repondre specifiquement a l'argumentation thomiste), et d'autre part, pour preciser la triadologie orthodoxe dans son ensemble a l'aide, notamment, des nouveaux eclaircissements apportes par la theologie palamite a laquelle nil adhere fondamentalement.