La conception de l'eglise dans la pensee theologique et les mouvements religieux en grece, de 1830 a nos jours
Université Marc Bloch (Strasbourg) (1971-2008)Disciplines:
Abstract EN:
The major problem which has preoccupied the church of greece during the 19th and 20th centuries has been that of its ecclesiastical identity. It became the "state church" as a result of the declaration of the independence of its hierarchy (autocephaly) (1833), the rejection by theophilus kairis, the attempted purging called for by apostolos makrakis, and the alteration of its basic nature brought about by the religious movements of the 20th century.
Abstract FR:
Le probleme majeure preoccupant l'eglise de grece lors des xixe et xxe siecles fut celui de son identite ecclesiologique. Elle a connut son "etatisation" par la declaration de son autocephalie (1833), le rejet de la part de theophile kairis, l'epuration exigee par apostolos makrakis et la tentative de l'alteration de sa nature faite par les mouvements religieux du xxe siecle.