
Adam de dryburgh ou de dremontre. Traduction et commentaire du de triplici genere contemplationis

Defense date:

Jan. 1, 1995




Abstract EN:

For many years two adams were distinguished : adam of dryburgh, praemonstratensian abbot and adam the cartusian in witham. Migne's patrologia latina, volume 198, publishes several works by adam the praemonstratensian, among which his masterpiece : de triplici genere contemplationis; the volume 153 contains the de quadripartito exercitio celloe. Around 1930 a series of sermones, extracted from a manuscript belonging to the london charterhouse and now in the edinburgh library (manuscript 9. 999), were published. These sermones were shortened and published by adam who had then joined the witham charterhouse. Many clear connections have been established between an important number of praemonstratensian sermones which were published in extenso and the corresponding cartusian sermones which were summarised in witham. The patrologia latina (volume 153) is wrong in ascribing the de quadripartito exercitio celloe to guigues ii, the cartusian, as this work was written by adam, then cartusian, at the witham prior's request, in order to be used at the general chapter for a debate on cartusian spirituality. Many pages contained in adam's praemonstratensian sermons and in adam's de triplici genere contemplationis can also be found in this work. Our study also deals with the spirituality of that time influenced by the gregorian reform. Enclosed is the critical publishing of previously unpublished texts written by adam.

Abstract FR:

Pendant de longues annees, on a distingue deux adam : adam de dryburgh, abbe premontre et adam chartreux de witham. La patrologie latine, dans le tome 198, publie plusieurs oeuvres d'adam le premontre, dont son chef-d'oeuvre, le de triplici genere contemplationis, et d'autre part, au tome 153, le de quadripartito exercitio celloe. Vers 1930, on a publie, tiree d'un manuscrit de la chartreuse de londres mais inscrite maintenant a la bibliotheque d'@dimbourg, sous le numero 9. 999, une serie de sermons que adam devenu chartreux a reedite sous une forme abregee. On a pu faire aisement le rapport entre un nombre important de sermons premontres publies in extenso et leurs correspondants resumes a witham (periode cartusienne). La patrologie latine de migne publie le de quadripartito exercitio celloe en l'attribuant faussement a guigues ii le chartreux, alors qu'il s'agit d'une oeuvre d'adam devenu chartreux, composee a la demande du prieur de witham pour servir de base a un debat sur la spiritualite cartusienne au chapitre general. Or ce texte reprend de nombreuses pages des sermons d'adam premontre et du de triplici genere contemplationis. Cette etude eclaire aussi l'etat de la spiritualite de cette epoque dans la ligne de la reforme gregorienne. En annexe : publication critique de textes inedits d'adam.