L'un et la trinite chez maitre eckhart
Paris 4Disciplines:
Abstract EN:
This work tries to define how eckhart conceives the one between the negative one and the father's trinitarian unity, between excluding the created and uniting to it. It first considers the traditional problem of one and many -of creator and created- : from their extreme unlikeness to a dynamic and intellectualistic point of view according ding to which the one-intellect thinks, produces and unifies the "uni-versum" many. This differentiating and unifying process takes place in the trinitarian sphere too, not only as above in its intel lectual dynamics (the word-ideas) but also in a personal dramatiza- tion : the revelation and recognition drama. Thus creation doubly re- peats emanation, in production and mainly in union : the turning back -answering process takes -but reversed- the way of procession. But but this personal and intellectual recognition brings back to a transpersonal father, to the one beyond any person, any knowledge. These undoublings (intellectual dynamics and relational drama dou- blets; emanation creation, man god inversion and coincidence) and coinciding "dualisms" (created uncreated, one-father deity) can be accounted for from the unique but mirror view-point of the intellec- tual drama of consciousness : reflexivity and relational demand make this twofold object, unique and manifold, and these different relati- ons, stages in the progress of self-unifying knowledge -in the mirror recognition- (opposition, relation, reciprocity, inversed resemblance, co- incidence). And the reflexive inability to settle on which side of the mirror the origin lies founds all the more the functional necessity of relation, without founding any other negative origin beyond the person than in its own dizziness, in the jamming of the infinite mir- ror multiplication where trinity seems to become deity, and vortex to come to rest.
Abstract FR:
Ce travail cherche a cerner l'un eckhartien entre l'un negatif et l'unite trinitaire du pere, entre l'exclusion et l'union avec le cree. Il envisage d'abord le probleme traditionnel de l'un et du multiple - du createur et du cree - : d'un constat de dissemblance extreme a une perspective dynamique et intellectualiste ou l'un-intellect pense, produit et unifie le multiple "uni-vers". Ce processus de differencia- tion et d'unification se retrouve dans le domaine trinitaire, non plus seulement en sa dynamique intellectuelle (le verbe-idees), mais aussi dans une dramatisation personnelle : drame de la manifestation et de la reconnaissance. Ainsi la creation double doublement l'emanation, dans la production et surtout dans l'union : le processus de retour- reponse reprend en sens inverse la procession. Mais cette reconnais- sance personnelle et intellectuelle ramene a un pere transpersonnel, a l'un au-dela de toute personne et de toute connaissance. Ces dedou- blements (doublets de la dynamique intellectuelle et du drame relation tionnel; inversion et coincidence emanation creation, homme dieu) et dualismes voues a la coincidence (cree incree, un-pere deite) s' expliquent dans une perspective unique -mais speculaire- du drame intellectuel de la conscience; : la reflexivite et l'exigence re- lationnelle font ce double objet, unique et multiple, et ces divers rapports, etapes dans la connaissance unificatrice du soi -dans la reconnaissance du miroir- (opposition, relation, reciprocite, ressem blance inversee, coincidence); et l'impasse reflexive, qui ne permet pas de decider de quel cote du miroir est l'origine, fonde d'autant plus la necessite fonctionnelle de la relation, sans fonder d'autre origine negative, d'autre au-dela en-deca de la personne que dans son propre vertige, dans le brouillage de l'infinie multiplication speculaire ou la trinite semble devenir deite, le tourbillon repos.