Saint patrick, apotre de l'irlande : contribution a l'etude des origines du christianisme irlandais
Université Marc Bloch (Strasbourg) (1971-2008)Disciplines:
Abstract EN:
The aim of this thesis is to show thepart taken by saint patrick in the introduction of christianity in ireland. An introduction describes the situation of ireland in the time of saint patrick. The first part is an analysis of the patrician sources and a valuation of their genuineness. A special place is attributed to the theory of the two patricks. The second part recalls the life of saint patrick from his own writings and the later traditions. The conclusion is a consideration on the patrician heritage and the fruits of his missionary activity.
Abstract FR:
Le but de cette these est de montrer le role de saint patrick dans l'introduction du christianisme en irlande. Une introduction decrit la situation de l'irlande au temps de saint patrick. La premiere partie analyse les sources patriciennes et evalue leur authenticite. Une place a part est accordee a la theorie des deux patrick. La seconde partie retrace la vie de saint patrick a partir de ses propres ecrits et des traditions tardives. La conclusion est une reflexion sur l'heritage patricien et les fruits de son activite missionnaire.