
Les relations entre la culture cotonnière et les cultures vivrières au Bénin

Defense date:

Jan. 1, 1992



Montpellier 1



Abstract EN:

Since 1982, year in which major rural development projects took off, benin simultaneously has experienced a spectacular rise in cotton production and a net increase in food crops. The positive result recorded on the food production is the work of the cotton producing regions which have enabled the country to reach a satisfactory cereal balance. The balance between cotton and food production is obtained thanks to the strategy of the farmers who face to the two cultivations, seek first and foremost to satisfy their selfsufficiency in food production and simultaneously to ensure money. The cotton cultivation does not compete with food cultivations but, on the contrary, it induces their improvement.

Abstract FR:

Depuis 1982, annee du demarrage des grands projets de developpement rural, le benin connait a la fois une hausse spectaculaire de la production cotonniere et une nette augmentation de laproduction vivriere. Le resultat positif enregistre sur le plan vivier est l'oeuvre des regions cotonnieres qui ont permis au pays d'avoir un bilan cerealier satisfaisant. L'equilibre entre le coton et le vivrier est obtenu grace a la strategie des paysans qui, face aux deux cultures, cherchent a satisfaire leur autosuffisance alimentaire en priorite et a s'assurer un revenu monetaire. Le coton n'est pas un concurrent des cultures vivrieres, mais au contraire il induit leur amelioration.