
Le teorie dello spazio di Husserl : tra Raumbuch e Dingvorlesung

Defense date:

Jan. 11, 2017



Abstract EN:

My thesis aims to reconstruct the first husserlian space theory, as developed in several unpublished manuscripts from the early 1890s, which were meant to compose the so-called "Book of Space".The author will present the Book of space in its several aspeccts, by offering a general averview of its topics and identifying those theoretical influences that somehow shaped Husserl's philosophical formation. Moreover, part of this thesis is dedicated to discuss the background of mathematical and scientifc ideas animating the debate about the problem of space, between nineteenth and twentieth century.

Abstract FR:

Cette thèse vise à reconstituer la théorie de l'espace développée par Husserl dans les manuscrits des premières années quatre-vingt-dix qui composent le Livre de l'espace. On en exposera les thématiques principales et identifiera les influences exercées sur la pensée de Husserl durant sa formation philosophique, avec une attention particulière en ce qui concerne les aspects mathématiques et scientifiques du problème de l'espace.