La philosophie mathematique de bertrand russell. La these logiciste, 1903-1913
Paris 3Disciplines:
Abstract EN:
The author carries out in three stages a historical reading of the mathematical philosophy of russell. *the first phase -principles of mathematics, 1903- performs the construction of formal logic and the reduction of mathematics to this new logic. To work out his logic, russell uses as a guide the philosophical grammar, then develops a referential conception of meaning and adopts a realistic philosophy (external realtion, logical atomism. . . ). *the second phase -"on denoting", 1905- shows how the new logic, once autonomous, produces, in return, an analysis of natural language. Quantification authorizes a contextual definition of definite descriptions which exempts one from any ontological commitments. *the third phase - principia mathematica, 1910-13 - completes the carring out of the logicist project. The ramified theory of types avoids paradoxes and the systematic use of contextual defintions cancels classes, relations, numbers, (occam razor). Taking stock of this success, russell gives an account of our acquaintance with the irreductible elements : sense-data, facts and indefiniable universals. He even goes as far as extending the logicist reduction to our knowledge, common as well as scientific, of the external world. But the gigantic construction of principia founders because russell and whitehead must, in fine, accept three non logical assumptions : the multiplicative axiom and those of infinity and reductibility.
Abstract FR:
L'auteur procede en trois etapes a une lecture historique de la philosophie mathematique de russell. *la premiere phase - principles of mathematics, 1903 - opere la construction de la logique formelle et la reduction des mathematiques a cette nouvelle logique. Russell prend pour guide la grammaire philosophique pour elaborer sa logique, developpe une conception referentielle de la signification et adopte une philosophie realiste (relations externes, atomisme logique. . . ) *la seconde phase -"on denoting", 1905- montre comment la nouvelle logique, devenue autonome, produit, en retour, une analyse du langage naturel. La quantification autorise une definition contextuelle des descriptions definies qui dispense de tout engagement ontologique. *la troisieme phase -principia mathematica, 1910-13- acheve la realisation du projet logiciste. La theorie ramifiee des types evite les paradoxes et l'usage systematique des definitions contextuelles reduit les classes, relations, nombres. . . (rasoir d'occam). Fort de ce succes, russell rend compte de notre connaissance des elements irreductibles : donnees sensibles, faits et universsaux non definissables. Il va meme jusqu'a etendre la reduction logiciste a notre connaissance, commune et scientifique, du monde exterieur. Mais la gigantesque construction des principia echoue parce que russell et whitehead doivent, in fine, admettre trois assomptions non logiques : les axiomes multiplicatif, d'infini et de reductibilite. En 1925, russell et ramsey se dispenseront de l'axiome de reductibilite.