
Recherches sur l'explicitation de l'experience intuitive

Defense date:

Jan. 1, 1998



Abstract EN:

My research came about as a result of my surprise at the silence surrounding the intuitive experience, though it seems to be at the heart of the human experience (in the history of the sciences as in the history of philosophy, in the field of artistic creation as in the field of psychotherapy or in that of managerial decision-making. . . ). In order to try to fill this silence, i attempted the adventure of the psycho-phenomenology of intuition: that is to say, i turned my back on abstract definitions and explanations of intuition, in order to describe the subjective experience associated with intuition as closely as possible. My project was to bring out the essentials characteristics of this type of knowledge using a precise description of the interior gestures which prepare or accompagny the emergence of an intuition. In the first part i will try to clarify why western thinking has chosen to ignore the intuitive experience, in the history of philosophy as well as in the history of sciences. In the second section, i will describe the main stages of the method used: how to have access to the pre-thought-out aspects of the intuitive experience, how to clarify them (using the "explicitation session", an interview technique inspired by phenomenology), how to analyze and compare the descriptions obtained (using a technique of modelisation of knowledge inspired by semantic networks). To my surprise, i saw a generic structure of the intuitive experience emerge from this work of description and analysis. This structure is made up of an established succession of very precise interior gestures with a surprising regularity from one experience to another and from one subject to another. In the third section i will present the most significant aspects of this generic experiential structure. In the last part i will correlate these results with various different kinds of texts, which will enable me not only to confirm but also to enrich my description of the intuitive experience.

Abstract FR:

Mon travail de recherche est ne de l'etonnement suscite par le silence qui entoure l'experience intuitive, alors qu'elle semble se trouver au cur de l'experience humaine. Pour essayer de combler ce silence, j'ai tente l'aventure d'une psycho-phenomenologie de l'intuition: c'est-a-dire detourne mon attention des definitions abstraites et des explications de l'intuition, pour decrire le plus precisement possible l'experience subjective associee a l'intuition. J'avais le projet, grace a une description fine des gestes interieurs qui preparent et accompagnent l'emergence d'une intuition, de degager les caracteristiques essentielles de ce mode de connaissance. Dans la premiere partie, je tente d'elucider les raisons de l"oubli" de l'experience intuitive par la pensee occidentale, tant dans l'histoire de la philosophie que dans l'histoire des sciences. Je decris dans la deuxieme partie les grandes etapes de la methode adoptee: comment acceder aux aspects pre-reflechis de l'experience intuitive et les expliciter (grace a "l'entretien d'explicitation", une technique d'interview d'inspiration phenomenologique), comment analyser et comparer les descriptions obtenues (grace a une technique de modelisation des connaissances inspirees des reseaux semantiques). Du travail de description et de modelisation que j'ai mene, j'ai eu la surprise de voir se degager une structure generique de l'experience intuitive. Cette structure se compose d'une succession determinee de gestes interieurs d'une grande precision, qui presentent une regularite frappante d'une experience a l'autre et d'un sujet a l'autre. J'expose dans la troisieme partie les aspects les plus significatifs de cette structure experientielle generique. Dans la derniere partie, je mets en correspondance ces resultats avec des textes d'origines variees, rapprochements qui permettent a la fois de confirmer et d'enrichir ma description de l'experience intuitive.