Max Stirner : le prix du concept
Toulouse 2Disciplines:
Abstract EN:
In his philosophy, max stirner elaborates a qualified refusal of the concept as he thinks the latter to too high a cort (moral, political) when it comes top man. This dissertation consists first, in defining what the cort of the concept is, and then in defining the cort of the economic line devised by max stirner. This amounts to access the viability of a radical (though not so much as it was made of tole) and violent philosophy.
Abstract FR:
La philosophie de max stirner elabore un refus nuance du concept en jugeant que celui-ci se paye au prix fort (moral, politique) lorsqu'il s'agit de l'homme. Ce travail aura consiste a cerner le prix du concept, mais a definir aussi le prix de l'economie que stirner nous propose, bref, a juger la viabilite d'une philosophie radicale (mais pas autant que sa reputation) et violente.