
La contamination dans la formation de la pensee arabe au liban, syrie et egypte : 1901 1970

Defense date:

Jan. 1, 1986



Paris 8




Abstract EN:

The study is a tentative to illuminate the problematic of ideas' contamination and of the materialistic sequences and this, resulted from the nature of the multiform cultural contacts, arriving to the process of the dominated society's deculturation, is in the benefice of the dominate occidental culture. In fact, this processus negates the difference, puts out the autonomy of the dominated culture, and condamnes it to the equation : master slave. In reality, this metamorphose may could be resulted from the interiorisation of this inferiority viz-a-viz of its master and its auto-denigration. The arab modernist elites, themselves - laicists or islamists liberals or marxists - ar'nt excluded from this order. This very effect which could be seen in considiring that this elites remodeled their identity and their history through the successive periods of the occident's history : decadence - renaissance - reform- revolution. This transposition of the occidental problematics in the arabes conscious- ness acts, in the same time, as obliteration and deformation, as if the self- consciousness is'nt constituted, only by the mirory of the other and as a must - to - be (devoir-etre). All these new imported intellectual acquisitions block up the peripherized societies and fondamentally affect the signification and the fonction of this trans- fered knowledges, as far as that is concerning the socio-economic and epistemologic sequels. That's mean to think again the different conceptions which generated this discontinuity, rupture, mutation and transformation as this elites had only imposed despotic nationalism which had reduced the dominated into mutism.

Abstract FR:

Cette recherche sur la problematique de la contamination ideelle et ses retombees materielles dans le monde arabe, releve de la nature du contact culturel multiforme qui se solde par la deculturation des societes autochtones. Puisque cette culture dominante nie la difference, rejette l'autonomie et ne reconnait que cette equation : maitre esclave. La metamorphose des indigenes serait alors le resultat de l'interiorisation de cette inferiorite de l'esclave vis-a-vis de son maitre, voire son auto-denigrement. Les elites modemistes arabes eux-memes - laicisantes ou islamisantes, liberales ou marxisantes - n'y echappent guere a cette regle, etant donne qu'ils remodelent leur identite, leur histoire, en fonction des periodes successives de l'histoire occidentale : decadence - renaissance - reforme - revolution. Cette transposition des problematiques occidentales dans la conscience arabe, agit en meme temps comme obliteration et deformation, comme si la conscience de soi ne se constitue qu'a travers le miroir de l'autre et en tant que devoir-etre. Toutes ces nouvelles acquisitions intellectuelles importees bloquent les societes peripherisees et affectent fondamentalement la signification et la fonction de ces connaissances transferees, quant a leurs portees socio-economiques et episte- mologiques. Il s'agit la de repenser les differents concepts qui ont engendre la dis- continuite, rupture, mutation et transformation, puisque les elites n'ont fait qu'imposer un rationalisme despotique, reduisant les domines au mutisme.