L'evolution des techniques dans la filiere viande en guadeloupe. Un exemple de dualite
Abstract EN:
Research work done in the filed of breeding policy in guadeloupe shows that over the last twenty years, that policy has lead to dual phenomenon in terms of technique of production patterns used in the meat chain. Two breeding technique patterns have been identified and analyse : a productivist one and a traditional one. A study of the evolution of this chain-production, more particularly of the heterogeneousness of breeding and the incoherence between the latter and the rest of the chain, reveals that all livestock production in guadeloupe is bound to come to an end. Therefore, following research work in the field, a more appropriate form of development is advocated, that is to pay a modern technique pattern inspired from the traditional one, which neutralizes every form of conflict between the two techniques.
Abstract FR:
La recherche montre que la politique d'elevage menee en guadeloupe depuis une vingtaine d'annees, aboutit a un phenomene de dualite des techniques de production dans la filiere viande. On identifie et on evalue ainsi deux modeles de techniques d'elevage, un modele productiviste et un modele traditionnel. L'etude de l'evolution de la filiere, en particulier de l7heterogeneite de l'elevage et de l'incoherence entre ce dernier et le reste de la filiere, amene a diagnostiquer a terme la disparition de toute production animale en guadeloupe. La recherche suggere donc une voie de developpement plus appropriee, celle d'une modernisation s'appuyant sur les techniques traditionnelles au lieu de s'y opposer.