
Une morale de l'engagement individuel : jean-paul sartre

Defense date:

Jan. 1, 1989






Abstract EN:

This thesis is divided into three parts : the first one deals with the problem of ethics in sartre's, and there we notice the "sartrian" effort to lay the basis of a concrete ethics which could reconcile the universal and the peculiar in history, so as to guide man towards the assertion of his singleness and freedom. The second part refers to the question of individual engagement : the "sartrian" concept of the individual and the theory of engagement. We remark that sartre wanted to assert the freedom of man, even when engaged; since every engagement is freely assumed by human subjectivity. The third part shows a practical example of the "sartrian" engagement during the last fifteen years wich have seen many historical events such as the war in viet-nam, the war in the middle-east, the societic intervening in czecho-slovakie, the outburst in mau 68 in france. In fact, speaking or acting, sartre had reacted to all these events. And when taking sides, he assertedthe right or every man, to freedom and dignity.

Abstract FR:

Cette these comprend trois parties : la premiere traite la question morale chez sartre ou on constate l'effort sartrien pour fonder une morale concrete qui puisse concilier l'universel et le singulier dans l'histoire, afin de guider l'homme pour affirmer son authenticite et sa liberte. La deuxieme partie est consacree a la question de l'engagement individuel : la conception sartrienne de l'individu et la theorie de l'engagement. On note que, meme dans l'engagement, sartre voulait affirmer la liberte de l'homme, puisque tout engagement est assume librement par une subjectivite humaine. La troisieme partie represente un exemple pratique de l'engagement sartrien dans ses quinze dernieres annees qui furent riches en grands evenements historiques tels que la guerre de viet-nam, la guerre au moyen-orient, l'intervention sovietique en tchecoslovaquie et le mouvement de mai 68 en france. En effet, dans tout cela, sartre avait un mot a dire ou une action a faire. A travers ses positions, il confirmait et defendait les droits de l'homme a la liberte et a la dignite.