
Problematiques du reel chez paul valery : connaissance et creation

Defense date:

Jan. 1, 1991




Abstract EN:

Paul valery's approach to reality, based upon three main activities : sensation, knowledge and poetic creation, develops itself in connection with the central problem of the relation between the "external" and the mental reality. The present work, devided into four parts organically related to one another, analyses successively a non-reflexive approach to reality, by means of pure sensation, and a reflexive one, adapted to scientific methodological principles (observation, objectivity, verification), rejecting causal explanations as well as the use of nonsensial concepts. This second approach permits evaluation of valery's theory of knowledge, based upon the non-reductibility of the external reality to the mental one, which is therefore considered as independent. There is an inner connection between valery's theories of knowledge and of poetic creation : poetry, produced by a formal use of language, which actualizes its emotional power, takes the place of the anavailable knowledge; poetic invention passes over the impossible knowing of reality. Yet, poetry combines invention to sensation and thus accomplishes an ontological function, revealing a possible access to reality through sensation and emotion, an access bringing back reality's ambiguity and multiplicity.

Abstract FR:

L'approche valeryenne du reel se definit a l'interieur de trois activites principales: la sensation, la connaissance et la creation, et se focalise sur le probleme capital de la relation de l'"extra" (du reel "exterieur") et de l'"intus" (du mental psychique). Cette recherche, divisee en quatre parties organiquement liees entre elles, met au point successivement l'approche pre-re flexive du reel, fondee sur le sentir pur, autant que son approche speculative conforme a la methodologie des sciences (confiance en l'observation, objectivite, verification, mise a l'ecart des explications causales au profit de la representation etc. ). Cette deuxieme approche permet la restitution d'une theorie valeryenne de la connaissance: celle-ci est fondee sur l'irreductibilite du reel au mental et revele ce dernier comme une realite quasi autonome. La theorie valeryenne de la creation poetique est coherente avec elle: la sensibilite et l'esprit depassent l'etroire perception ordinaire et l'inefficace approche objective du reel et substituent le faire du poete au connaitre impossible. Produite par une voie formelle qui actualise les puissances emotionnelles du langage, la poesie combine le faire du sentir: elle rend ainsi possible une approche energetique du reel, ouvrant la perspective d'une "ontologie" fondee sur le sentif, qui compense l'impossibilite du connaitre, permet la connexion de l'"intus" et de l'"extra" et retablit l'ambiguite et la multiplicite du reel.