Amnioticon : histoire de l'utopie "australe"
Paris, EHESSDisciplines:
Abstract EN:
This thesis brings together the historiography of the european discovery of the "austral" regions ( the southern hemisphere in general and, in particular, the last unknown regions of australasia and the south pacific), and the literary criticism of the "classical" utopias based on this problematical history, from classical antiquity until the eighteenth century. The meaning to be drawn from this temporary alignment of literary and geographical history on the same problematic is analysed as a contribution to the understanding of the culture-historical "involution" produced in the enlightenment, as a rupture with cultural organicity in general and, as literary-historical side-effect, a rupture with the tradition of utopian writing investing the theme of geographical problemicity. The "austral" aspect of classical utopian thematics is thus examined in terms of its significance to the history of ideas: as emblematic of the play of relations of social space, by way of a metaphorical, satirical association of the hemispherical and sexual modalities of structuring binarity; which the thesis formalizes as an "inter-collective erotics". This perspective can be seen to have theorized ( in a pre-scientific way ) the essential determining relation between the geographical and sociological aspects of western expansion and, at the limit, of human evolution itself: as phenomena arisinq out of the inter-collective territorial relation.
Abstract FR:
Cette these examine ensemble l'historiographie des "decouvertes australes" (de l'hemisphere meridional, et surtout du dernier inconnu, l'australasie et l'oceanie), et la critique des utopies classiques basees sur cette histoire problematique, de l'antiquite jusqu'a la fin du dix-huitieme siecle. Le sens a y puiser se trouve analyse comme contribution a l'entendement de l'involution culture-historique se produisant a l'avenement des lumieres, comme rupture avec l'organicite culturelle en general et, comme effet litteraire, avec la tradition classique d'ecriture utopiste. L'aspect "austral" de cette derniere s'interroge ainsi dans les termes de sa signifiance pour l'histoire des idees: comme symbolique des relations socio-spatiales en son emploi de l'association metaphorique et satirique entre les modalites hemispherique et sexuelle de binarite structurante. Cette association se formalise dans la these, sous la forme d'une "erotique inter-collective" theorique: perspective qui s'avere avoir deja exprime (d'une facon pre-scientifique) la relation determinante entre les aspects gepgraphique et sociologique de l'expansion occidentale et, a la limite, de l'evolution humaine en general: comme des phenomenes surgissant dans la relation territoriale inter-collective.