La matière, principe d'individuation dans la philosophie de saint Thomas d'Aquin
Paris 4Disciplines:
Abstract EN:
La these de saint thomas d'aquin sur l'individuation par la matiere souleve deux problemes principaux: d'abord le sens exact de l'affirmation "la matiere est le principe d'individuation", et ensuite l'uniformite avec laquelle saint thomas se tint a la meme interpretation de cette formule a travers toute son oeuvre. Autre question: dans quelle mesure cette these est-elle encore pertinente aujourd'hui? l'auteur soutient qu'il y a deux aspects du principe de l' individuation par la matiere: l'aspect metaphysique assure par la matiere premiere, et l'aspect physique assure par les "dimensions interminees" ou leur synonyme la "quantite dimensive", et que saint thomas maintint cette interpretation uniformement pendant toute sa carriere. La ou ni la science moderne ni les principaux courants de la philosophie moderne n'ont reussi a offrir aucune explication metaphysique satisfaisante de la realite, le "realisme modere" enseigne par saint thomas peut fournir cette explication adequate qui nous manque aujourd'hui. Puisque la theorie de l'individuation par la matiere est une doctrine-cle de ce realisme modere, elle est aussi pertinente et aussi necessaire aujourd'hui que la position philosophique dans laquelle est encadree.
Abstract FR:
Saint thomas aquinas's theory of individuation by matter presents two main problems: firstly the exact meaning of the affirmation "matter is the principle of individuation", and secondly the consistency with which he held to the same interpretation of this statement throughout his works. A third question concerns the relevance of this theory today. The author argues: firstly, that there are two aspects of individuation by matter - the metaphysical aspect assured by prime matter, and the physical aspect assured by "interminate dimensions" or their synonym "dimensive quantity"; secondly, that this interpretation remained the consist teaching of saint thomas throughout his career, and thirdly, since both modern science and the main branches of modern philosophy have failed to offer any satisfactory metaphysical explanation of reality, that the "moderate realism taught by saint thomas can provide the adequate explanation that is lacking today. Since the theory of individuation of physical beings by their matter is a key tenet of this moderate realism, it is defended as being as relevant and necessary today as is the philosophical system inwhich it is embedded.