Probabilités et critique philosophique selon Cournot
Paris, EHESSDisciplines:
Abstract EN:
The thesis aims to study the link between cournot's idea of probabilities and his philosophy cognition to emphathize their reciporcal influence. Cournot's philosophical reflection on the mathematical theory of probabilities shows a double distinction between objective and subjective probilities on the one hand, mathematical and philosophical probabilities on the other hand. Thus cournot's approach leads to give the calculus of probabilities the status of a pure mathematical theory and to establish the apprehension of reality on a probabilistic ground, where cournot's originality lies regarding the history of the calmculus of probabilities as much as the philosophy of science. The thesis first analyses the theoreticaland historical conditions of cournot's interpretation of probalilities, meaning the kind of connections between philosophy and the calculus of probabilities, then the hisotory of the calculus of probabilities in its classical period, and then its connection to the peneralized combinatory cournot calls "syntactic". That leads to a study of cournot's probabilistic doctrine, examining the problems his objectivistic theory of chance brings forward, the wary he grants the mathematical probability objective value, then and consequently the nature and reach of the applications of the calculus of probabilities and statistics. The third part of the thesis completes the previous analysis, examining its connection to cournot's philosophy of cognition ; it investigates the nature of philosophical probabilities and their relations to the distinction between rational order and logical order, the relation between mathematics and reality, the nature of induction, finality and their connections to the chance theory.
Abstract FR:
La these se propose d'etudier lma relation qui unit la representation cournotienne des probabilites a sa philiosophie de la connaissance, pour montrer comment elles se conditionnent l'une l'autre. La reflexion philosophique de cournot sur la theorie mathematique des probabilites met en place une double distinction entre probabilites objective et subjective d'une part, probabilites mathematique et philosophique de l'autre, ce faisant, la demarche de cournot conduit a assigner au calcul des probalites le statut d'une theorie mathematique pure et a asseoir la connaissance du reel sur une dimension probabiliste, ou se lit l'orginalite de cournot tant dans l'histoire du calcul des probabilites que dans la philosophie des sciences. Dans un premier moment, la these analyse les conditions theoriques et historiques de l'interpretation cournotienne des probabilites, a savoir la nature des relations entre philosphie et calcul des probabilites, l'histoire du calcul des probalites dans sa periode classique, enfin sa relation a cette combinatoire generalisee que cournot nomme "syntactique", ceci permet d'etudier la doctrine probabiliste de cournot, c'est-a-dire d'interroger les problemes que soulevent sa theorie objectiviste du hassard, la facon dont il assure a la probalite mathematique une valeur objective, et, en consequence, la nature et la portee des applications du calcul des probabilites et de la statistique. Le troisieme moment de la these complete l'analyse precedente en interrogeant sa relation a la philosophie cournotienne de la connaissance : elle examine la nature des probabilites philosophiques et leur relation a la distin ction entre ordre rationnel et ordre logique, le rapport des mathematiques au reeal, le statut de l'induction, de la finalite et leurs relations a la theorie du hascard.