
Rôle des femmes dans le système productif de l'agriculture congolaise : cas de Mossendjo

Defense date:

Jan. 1, 1992



Montpellier 1



Abstract EN:

Following the food shortage crisis of the years 1972-1975, international organizations together with many developing countries showed a special interest in food manufacture, and set forth a series of agressive rural and faming policies. In order to adjust its developing strategies with its motto "food self-sufficiency" by the year 2000", the nation of congo undertook a variety of agricultural policies. Thanks to these policies, a number of measures were taken by the congolese authorities in order to provide food manufacture as well as rural life with adequate assistance. Among those involved in the process, are the women whose role has always been crucial, though quite often on the fringe of society. Indeed, besides their traditional african role as housekeepers, the rural women are actively involved in food crops growing as well as the manufacture and food suppling process of towns. They are also involved in the manufacture of those food crops usually known as males'business. They supply the family with gathering goods such as roots, plants, insects and fruits, which it needs for its survival. But despite such a prominent role within the family, it is unfortunate to note that up to now, the rural women do not enjory adequate supervision, and there has not yet a special interest in their economic status on the part of political authorities. For this very reason, no training is offered to these women so that they could better assist the society in their role. Actually no financial support has been made available to them so that their activities could be modernized for better performances. Such needs are so crucial that most of rural women have organized themselves in systems of tontines to to finance their activites, and these tontines have become the only credible financial institutions among the rural women, though they are still considered as informel institutions. Obviously, they represent a challenge to inefficient governments and insensitive authorities.

Abstract FR:

Apres la crise alimentaire de 75-75, les organismes internationaux et les etats ont porte un interet particulier a la production alimentaire, par des politiques de developpement agricole et rural. Le congo, afin de coincider les moyens d'une strategie de developpement agricole et le slogan "auto suffisance alimentaire en l'an 2000", a mis en place des politiques agricoles. Les autorites aident et encadrent les acteurs economiques qui interviennent aussi bien dans la production agricole que dans le developpement rural. Parmi ces acteurs, les femmes rurales trop souvent marginalisees mais dont le role dans la production agricole et alimentaire est determinant, devaient etre consideree. Car au dela des occupations dites traditionnelles correspondant aux activites menageres, les femmes s'occupent des cultures vivrieres de la transformation et de l'approvisionnement des villes en produits agricoles. Elles interviennent dans la production des cultures de rapport qui pour la plupart sont entretenues par les hommes. L'approvisionnement du menage en produits de cueillette depend aussi d'elles. Pour ce faire, elles cueillent, ramassent : racines, plantes, chenilles et fruits necessaires a l'alimentation du menage. Malgre toutes ces occupations, elles ne sont pas encadrees particulierement par les autorites. Elles ne beneficient pas d'une formation adaptee a leurs besoins, ni de credit pour financer leurs activites productives. Pour faire face aux investissements relatifs a leurs activites, elles s'adressent aux tontines qui sont les seuls organismes financiers qui marchent en milieu rural, bien qu'informels.