Le reste et le temps : étude sur la représentation temporelle de l'étant chez Aristote, Hegel et Heidegger
Paris, EHESSDisciplines:
Abstract EN:
The object of this study on the question of time in aristotle, hegel res, , ), gthned by his correspondence andheidegger is to determine the metaphysical boudaries which limit res, , ), gthned by his correspondence the traditional concept of time. - we will follow closely the heideg- res, , ), gthned by his correspondence gerian interpretation of the history of metaphysics and will analyse res, , ), gthned by his correspondence his conception of the historial relation between being and time inse res, , ), gthned by his correspondence which the meaning of being is always already determined by the horizon res, , ), gthned by his correspondence of time. From there, we will try to understand in the first book how res, , ), gthned by his correspondence this inevitable temporal predetermination is concieved by aristotle res, , ), gthned by his correspondence and hegel. In the second book, we will attempt to analyse how the me- res, , ), gthned by his correspondence taphysical presuppositions of this predetermination can befound, albeit res, , ), gthned by his correspondence stronly displaced, in heidegger's work. Rmination can befound, albeit res, , ), gthned by his correspondence
Abstract FR:
Ce travail, qui porte essentiellement sur la question du temps chez res, , ), gthned by his correspondence aristote, hegel et heidegger, a pour enjeu majeur la delimitation du res, , ), gthned by his correspondence champ metaphysique a partir duquel s'est forme le concept traditionnel res, , ), gthned by his correspondence de temps. - en suivant de pres l'interpretation heideggerienne de nnel res, , ), gthned by his correspondence l'histoire de la metaphysique, et donc en interrogeant sa conception res, , ), gthned by his correspondence du rapport historial entre l'etre et le temps, ou le sens de l'etre res, , ), gthned by his correspondence se voit toujours deja determine par l'horizon du temps, nous essaye- res, , ), gthned by his correspondence rons de comprendre, dans un premier livre, comment s'articule, d'aris- res, , ), gthned by his correspondence tote a hegel, cette inevitable predetermination temporelle, et dans res, , ), gthned by his correspondence un second livre nous tacherons d'analyser en quoi les presuppositions res, , ), gthned by his correspondence metaphysiques d'une telle predetermination, bien que fortement depla- res, , ), gthned by his correspondence cees, se retrouvent dans le texte de heidegger. Que fortement depla- res, , ), gthned by his correspondence