
L'incarnation imaginaire : l'image dans la pensée de Sartre

Defense date:

Jan. 1, 1992



Paris 4



Abstract EN:

In order to define the role of image within thought, one has to recognise its specificity as the concept, and to question their distinction. But the study of epistemology implies an ontology. Indeed, image cannot be reduced to a figure of style, nor to a thing : it commits to a relationship with the being. Image must be studied in its production and according to the intention of the conscience. To this end, sartre's reflexion is enlightning. Image is defined by a specific embodiment. The production of image commits to an annihilation of the object in question. It is precisely to define the nothingness that the image intervenes in sartre's reflexion in order to resolve conceptual "dead-ends". Starting from basic "schemas" he envolves a figurative structure which leads to the forming of concepts, their linkings and their evolution according to theorical mutations, from phenomenology to marxism. This dynamic is based on the concept of incarnation. It permits to define what it means to "speak for" his time, its affects or to speak through language. Expression through imaginary thus takes on its full ontological dimension : its ambition is either to incarnate the nothingness, either to aim at the incarnation of the being. This alternative brings into plays two forms of wrinting, litterary and philosophical, as well as two conceptions of hermeneutics.

Abstract FR:

Definier le role de l'imagre dans la pensee oblige a saisir sa specificite face aux concepts, et a remettre en question leur distinction. Mais l'etude epistemologique implique une ontologie. En effet, l'image ne saurait se reduire a une figure de style, ni a une chose ; elle engage un rapport a l'etre. L'image doit etre etudiee selon l'intention de la conscience. A cette fin, la reflexion et l'ecriture de sartre sont eclairantes. L'image se definit par une corporeite singuliere : l'intention imageante neantise l'objet vise. C'est precisement pour definir le neant que l'image intervient, afin de resoudre des apories conceptuelles. A partir de schemes fondamentaux, sartre met en place une structure figurative qui permet la formation de concepts, leur liaisons et leur evolution au gre des mutations theoriques, de la phenomenologie au marxisme. Cette dynamique repose sur une conception de l'incarnation qui permet de comprendre ce qui signifie "exprimer" son epoque, des affects, ou "s'exprimer" par le langage. L'expression par l'imaginaire prend alors sa pleine dimension ontologique : soit elle ambitionne d'incarner le neant, detruisant toute image et entrainant la conscience dans les simulacres. Soit elle vise a incarner l'etre, dont elle cherche le symbole. Cette alternative met en jeu deux ecritures, litteraire et philosophique, et deux conceptions de l'hermeneutique.