
Les mutations organisationnelles au sein des entreprises publiques en Chine

Defense date:

Jan. 1, 1998



Paris 2



Abstract EN:

This work does arrive in the nick of time. Indeed one third of state companies would show a deficit, another third a precarious balance. This branch which uses about 150 millions of people in china is in a difficult position for the time being : about 30 millions of people are thought to be threatened with unemployment owing to the bad economic position in this sector. The government of the popular republic of china involved in hard economic reforms, yet some sectors remain rebellious to any change. This thesis deals with one of the most important of these fields, that of public companies. They are without effect and burden the state budget while resources are limited. They slacken too promotion of reforms and stop the market to be liberal and become, indirectly or not, an impediment to development. Relying on a theoretical analysis, in the frame of the theory of the firm and organizations, on empirical research, aand mainly on a ground inquiry, this study tries to prove the measures of reform of the most performant public companies. It describes on one hand the huge impediments the governing people bump against when they try to privatise these companies or improve its performing by other means. On the other hand, it studies how these hindrances have been overcome. This work does analyze the experience of chinese state companies and applies the institutional study in order to determine how contracts between state and the head of these companies may contribute or hinder reforms in this field. At last, this thesis offers possible directions according to cultural peculiarities of the country and the companies. Because of social, political and economic hindrances, reform of the state companies steps forwards slowly. According to a new approach, we shall try to discover and appreciate what hinders reform to advance in this field. The progressie proceeding of reforms used till now in china can explain, in our opinion, considering the peculiarities of the country. But government must go forward, considering all the historical, cultural and social factors which allow economic agents to fit with coming changes. Conclusions of xvth congress of the chines communist party seem to go this direction.

Abstract FR:

En s'appuyant sur une analyse theorique, se situant dans le cadre de la theorie de la firme et des organisations, et sur des recherches empiriques, qui ont ete menees dans ce domaine, et plus particulierement sur une enquete de terrain, cette etude cherche a mettre en evidence les mesures de la reforme des entreprises publiques ayant donne les meilleurs resultats. Elle decrit, d'une part, les enormes obstacles auxquels se heurtent les gouvernants quand ils tentent de privatiser ces entreprises ou d'en ameliorer la performance par d'autres moyens. D'autre part, elle examine comment ces obstacles ont parfois pu etre surmontes. Ce travail analyse, de maniere approfondie, l'experience des entreprises chinoises d'etat et applique utilement l'etude institutionnelle afin de determiner la maniere dont les contrats entre l'etat et la direction de ces entreprises peuvent contribuer ou freiner les reformes de ce secteur. Enfin, cette these propose des lignes de conduite possibles en fonction des specificites culturelles du pays et des entreprises. En raison, surtout, d'obstacles, politiques, economiques et sociales, la reforme des entreprises d'etat a peu avance au cours de ces dernieres annees. Suivant une nouvelle approche, nous tenterons de demeler et d'evaluer objectivement les elements faisant obstacles a l'avancement des reformes dans ce secteur d'activite. La demarche gradualiste de reformes, suivie jusqu'a present par la chine, semble selon nous, se justifier en raison des specificites propres a ce pays. Mais le gouvernement doit maintenant aller plus en avant, en prenant en consideration l'ensemble des elements d'ordre historique, culturel et social permettant aux acteurs economiques de s'adapter aux changements en cours. Les conclusions du xveme congres du parti communiste chinois semblent aller dans ce sens.