
L'avenir de Hegel ou : de la plasticité temporelle en dialectique

Defense date:

Jan. 1, 1994



Paris, EHESS



Abstract EN:

Le propos general de la these consiste a affirmer "l'avenir" de la philosophie de hegel a l'encontre des interpretations qui ont conclu a sa cloture dans un present intemporel. Il s'agit avant tout d'apporter une contribution a la discussio n ouverte par heidegger dans une note celebre au 82 de sein und zeit quant a la conception hegelienne du temps et au rapport entre "temps" et "esprit". Il convient pour ce faire d'instruire le plus largement possible le dossier de ce debat (heidegger, kojeve, koyre, derrida. . . ) sur la temporalite hegelienne et son rapport a u "temps vulgaire". "l'aveni r" dont il est question ici n'est pas le futur entendu comme simple moment du temps, "non encore present", mais la struc ture d'anticipation qui, originairement, ouvre au sujet la distance qui lui permet d'entrer en rapport avec ce qu'il n'est pas, et, en ce sens, avec l'evenement. Cette structure est decrite par heidegger comme "transcendance" ou encore "ouverture d'horizon". L'elaboration progressive du concept de "plasticite" (utilise par hegel dans phenomenologie de l'esprit, la preface a la science de la logique de 1831 et dans les differentes vorlesungen) permet de montrer qu'une telle structure est immanente a la conception hegelienne de la subjectivite. La "plasticite" designe a la fois la reception et la donation de forme, et permet ainsi de caracteriser "l'auto-determination" du sujet, c'est-a-dire la mani ere dont il donne forme a ses propres determinations, ou accidents, et les recoit par la meme. Ce vis-a-vis du sujet avec lui-meme, qui le pose comme instance synthetique, est decrit par hegel comme mouvement de la "substance-sujet. " le corps de la these s'attache a en montrer le deploiement en proposant une lecture de trois moments de la philosophie de l'esprit de l'encyclopedie des sciences philosophiques : l'anthropologie, la religion revelee, la philosophie.

Abstract FR:

The general aim of this dissertation is to assert the "future" of hegel's philosophy against interpretations which have maintained its closure in a timeless present. Above all, this argument contributes to heidegger's open discussion regarding the hegelian conception of time and the relation between "time" and "mind", which is found in the famous note to the 82nd paragraph of being and time. This argument is constructed largely through reference to the debate on hegelian temporality and its relation to "ordinary understanding of time" involving heidegger, kojeve, koyre and derrida among others. The "future" in question here is not the future seen as a simple passing of time "not-yet-present", but rather as the structure of anticipation which, originally, opens a distance up to the subject that permits it to enter into a relation with what it is not, and consequently with the event. This structure is described by heidegger as "transcendence" or "the opening of the horizon". The progressive elaboration of the concept of "plasticity" (used by heg el in phenomenology of spirit, the preface to science of logic (1831) and in various vorlesungen) indicates that such a structure is immanent to the hegelian conception of subjectivity. Plasticity refers to both the reception and the giving of form, and thus it allows for the characterisation of the "auto-determination" of the subject, that is to say the manner in which the subject gives form to its determinations or accidents, and in turn receives them. The subject's encounter with itself, seen as a synthetic process is described by hegel as the movement of the "substance-subject". The body of this thesis follows the unfurling of this movement through a reading of three moments (anthropology, religio n and philosophy) of philosophy of mind in the encyclopedia of philosophical sciences.