L'amour entre philosophie et psychanalyse
Paris 8Disciplines:
Abstract EN:
The object of this thesis is to examine, thanks to the study of major works related to the matter of love, how this category can be the subject of specific operations operations of thought. Thus, the operation which is specific to the philosophie speech about love, the decision, and the specific operation of the psychoanalytic speech, the indecision, face each other. A philosophic decision consists in favouring one way, among several ones, as for the way truth of love gives itself to thought, and rejecting the opposite way; thus every dicision of thought about love implies an antinomic decision. So as regards love, the philosopher shows himself as the author of a singular decision, which guarantees the accuracy of this this decision. In psychoanalysis, indecision regarding love consists in suspending every decision between two possibilities, a suspension which proves to be precise ly a deciding factor for other purely analytic categories. So there is no author about love in psychoanalysis, but a speech that remains accurate to the original operation of indecision which belongs to the freudian discovery. Thus this work draws four major figures of decision in philosophy, each of them beeing associated to its antinomic figure, and each couple of figures (figure of a decision-antinomic figure) being placed opposite to the analytic operation of indecision about love. This leads us to four volumes, each of which containing three chapters.
Abstract FR:
Il s'agit dans cette these d'examiner, grace a l'etude d'oeuvres majeures a cet egard, comment la categorie d'amour peut faire l'objet d'operations specifiques de la pensee. Sont ainsi mises en regard l'operation specifique au discours philosophique a propos de l'amour, la decision, et l'operation soecifique au discours psychanalytique, l'indecision. Une decision philosophique consiste a privilegier une voie, parmi plusieurs possibles, quant a la facon dont la verite de l'amour se donne a la pensee et a rejeter la voie contraire; ainsi toute decision de pensee quant a l'amour implique une decision antinomique. Le philosophe se presente ainsi a l'endroit de l'amour comme l'auteur d'une decision singuliere, qui garantit la fidelite de cette decision. L'indecision en psychanalyse consiste, a propos de l'amour, a suspendre toute decision entre deux possibles, suspension qui s'avere precisement decisive pour d'autres categories purement analytiques. Il n'y a donc pas d'auteur a l'endroit de l'amour en psychanalyse, mais un discours qui deneure fidele a l'operation originelle d'indecision impliquee dans la decouverte freudienne. Ce travail met ainsi en evidence quatre figures de la decision en philosophie, chacune etant associee a la figure qui lui est antinomique, et chaque couple de figures (figure d'une decision-figure antinomique) etyant mis en regard avec l'operation analytique de l'indecision a l'endroit de l'amour. Ce qui donne quatre volumes comportant chacun trois chapitres.