
L'epistemologie d'alfred sohn-rethel

Defense date:

Jan. 1, 1994



Strasbourg 1



Abstract EN:

On reflecting upon the defining characteristics of the natural sciences. Alfred sohn-rethel (18991990) sought to situate the origins of the categories of thought that define them in the social sphere. His aim was to demonstrate that the origins of pure thought lie in the act of exchange and thereby to conciliate max and kant. The first part of this work presents the essence of sohn-rethels'theory: the phenomenological analysis of the act of exchnage from which abstrait concepts derive. The second part seeks to present the different intellectual traditions to which sohn-rethel is heir and then resituates the genesis of his theory in its context: the philosophie ideas of the weimar period and of the turn-of-the century, and specifically neo-kantianism. The third part analyzes his doctoral thesis, which is devoted to marginalism and t6o schumpeter. Sohn-rethel subsequently developed further many of the ideas expressed here. The fourth part studies "the lucerne expose" a programmatictext whose problematic reception would play a decisive role in the authors career. Finally, the last part evaluates the significance and influence of sohn-rethels'theory of knowledge, identifies its theoretical difficulties and makes clear its richness.

Abstract FR:

S'interrogeant sur la specificite des sciences de la nature. Alfred sohn-rethel (1899-1990) a tente de replacer dans la sphere sociale la genese des categories de la pensee qui les fondent. Son but aura ete de prouver que la pensee pure trouve son origine dans l'acte de l'echange et de deconcilier ainsi marx et kant. Une premiere partie de ce travail presente la theorie de sohn-rethel en se concentrant sur son noyau: l'analyse phenomenologique de l'acte de l'echange dont procedent les concepts abstraits. Une deuxieme partie cherche a mettre en evidence les differentes filiations dans lesquelles s'inscrit sohn-rethel et replace la genese de sa theorie dans son contexte: les idees philosophiques de la periode weimarienne et du tournant du siecle, et tout particulierement neokantisme, la troisieme partie analyse son travail de doctorat, consacre au marginalisme et a schumpeter, dont on verra qu'il contient deja nombre d'idees developpees par la suite. La quatrieme partie etudie "l'expose de lucerne" texte programmatique et dont la reception problematique fut decisive pour la carriere de son auteur. La derniere partie enfin tente de saisir la portee de la theorie de la connaissance de sohn-rethel, d'en cerner les difficultes theoriques et d'en degager la fecondite.