
Pierre Poiret (1646-1719), cartésien et mystique

Defense date:

Jan. 1, 1988



Paris 1



Abstract EN:

Pierre poiret, born metz (lorraine), died rijnsburg (holland), was a non-conformist huguenot pastor. As a student in basel, and in his first work, cogitationes rationales (1675), he espoused cartesianism but abandoned it after meeting the roman catholic prophetess, antoinette bourignon, whese disciple and champion he became. Though critical of descartes, malebranche and especially spinoza and opposed to the arrogance of reason, poiret remained a philosopher, arguing, for example, that ideas were god-created. In his theological system, l'occonomie divine (1687), he explained salvation and refuted predestination by asserting that man was free to accept grace or reject it. As a forerunner of ocumenism he regarded belonging to any "party" of christendom as immaterial to salvation. He sought to reassure french protestants that, even if compelled by the revocation of the edict of nantes to convert to roman catholicism, they could thereby serve god; though he himself refused to convert when fenelon asked him to. Poiret disseminated works of roman catholic mysticism to the protestant community in exile, as belonging to a store of common traesure (such as the imitation of christ) from which all might derive edification. He considered mystical theology to be the true theology, the theology of the heart. There was a marked quietist tendency among the writers he published (such as madame guyon, whose complete works he brought out). A bibliography of poiret's works, which were much published and much translated, and of the works of which he was himself the publisher, shows the audience he commanded in his day. His influence long persisted in the world of german and swiss separatist pietism and in britain, where john wesley used his short pedagogical traetise as a catechism. Standing at the confluence of various intellectual and spiritual currents, poiret, who is still neglected in france, was an important intermediary.

Abstract FR:

Pierre poiret, ne a metz (en lorraine), mort a rijnsburg (hollande) fut un pasteur huguenot non-conformiste. Cartesien des ses etudes a bale et dans sa premiere oeuvre, cogitationes rationales, 1675, il rejettera le cartesianisme apres sa rencontre avec la prophetesse catholique antoinette bourignon dont il devint disciple et defenseur. Tout en critiquant descartes, malebranche et surtout spinoza et en atta quant la raison orgueilleuse, poiret reste un philosophe, partisa" par exemple de la these de la creation des idees. Dans son systeme theologique, l'oeconomie divine, 1687, il explique l'histoire du salut et combat la predestination en affirmant que l'homme est libre d'accepter ou de rejeter la grace. Precurseur de l'oecumenisme, poiret considere que l'appartenance a l'un des "partis" de la chretiente est indifferente pour le salut. Il cherche a apaiser les protestants de france, contraints apres la revocation de l'edit de nantes de faire acte de catholicisme : ils peuvent ainsi servir dieu. Mais quand fenelon le lui demande, il refuse de se convertir au catholicisme. Poiret diffuse des oeuvres mystiques catholiques pour les protestants du refuge, qui peuvent tirer edification de ce tresor commun (dont l'imitation) la theologie mystique est pour lui la theologie veritable, celle du coeur. La tendance quietiste est importante parmi les auteurs qu'il edite (oeuvres completes de madame guyon). Une bibliographie des ouvrages de poiret qui connurent de nombreuses editions et traductions, ainsi que des ouvrages qu'il publia montre l'audience de cet auteur de son temps. Cette influence se poursuivit longtemps dans les milieux du pietisme separatiste allemand et suisse et en grande-bretagne ou wesley utilise comme catechisme son petit traite de pedagogie. A la croisee de courants intellectuels et spirituels divers, poiret, reste meconnu en france, joua un role important d'intermediaire.