Kant et la querelle des Lumières : le Pantheismusstreit et le destin du rationalisme
Paris 4Disciplines:
Abstract EN:
La "querelle du pantheisme" (1785-1789), appelee aussi "querelle du spinozisme", va profondement marquer la problematique philosophique dans l'allemagne de la fin du xviiie siecle. Point de passage determinant entre la philosophie des lumieres et l'idealisme allemand, elle sera ici consideree comme la cle de lecture permettant de comprendre l'elaboration des grands systemes de kant a hegel. Cette recherche se propose de rendre compte de l'amont et de l'aval de cette polemique essentielle, dont l'objet fondamental est la validite et la realisation de l'ideal des lumieres. Il s'agit, d'une part, d'identifier les divisions qui, avant son declenchement, apparurent au sein de la philosophie de l'aufklarung (notamment entre lessing, mendelssohn et kant); et, d'envisager, d'autre part, ses prolongements a la fois dans la querelle allemande de la revolution francaise et dans la tentative hegelienne de la clore definitivement. A chaque etape de ce travail, on se demande si le concept kantien d'aufklarung parvient a resister aux critiques aussi bien des philosophes irrationalistes (tels que jacobi) que des defenseurs de la raison (comme hegel); l'enjeu essentiel etant de savoir si ce concept peut conserver un sens et un interet pour le travail philosophique contemporain.
Abstract FR:
In the late 8th century the problematics of philosophy in germany was to be deeplay marked by the "pantheism controversy" (1785-1789) also called "spinozism controversy". Indeed a determining transition from the philosophy of enlightenment to the german idealism, it will be taken here as the reading key to an understanding of the organization of the great philosophic systems from kant to hegel. The purpose of this research is to throw light on what preceded and followed this crucial controversy whose fundamental aim is both the validity and realization of the ideal of enlightenment. On the one hand, it is a matter of identifying the divisions which appeared, before starting, among the philosophers of the aufklarung (in particular between lessing, mendelssohn and kant), and on the other hand of considering the effects both on the german controversy on the french revolution and the hegelian attempt at ending it definitively. Each step of this work will deal with the question whether the kantian concept of aufklarung can hold against the criticisms of the irrationalist philosophers (surch as jacobi) as well as those of the advocates of reason (as hegel). The essential stake is to find out whether this concept can still provide meaning and interest for today's work on philosophy.