Le problème ontologique dans la philosophie analytique
Aix-Marseille 1Disciplines:
Abstract EN:
The thesis concerning the ultimate character of the distinction between subject and predicate was challenged by f. P. Ramsey in 1926. His critique signified, among other things, the collapse of the standard conception which associated the logical dichotomy of propositional constituants (subject and predicate) with ontological dualism (particulars and universals) and with the metaphysical distinction between substances and qualities. The impact of this critique was reinforced by the emergense of "new physics" which placed traditional idea of substance in question while simultaneously introducing the notion of event. The present work focuses on the shift between two fundamentally different conceptual schemes, the old on founded on substance, the new on event. In light of this shift a new interpretation becomes possible of ontological dualism.
Abstract FR:
La critique par ramsey en 1926 de la these du dualisme des constituants de la proposition constitue une des manifestations les plus importantes de l'ebranlement de la conseption standard associant le dualisme ontologique (particuliers et universels), la dichotomie des constituants de la proposition et la distinction metaphysique entre substance et qualites. La critique de la notion de substance amorcee avec l'empirisme, notamment chez hume, va trouver dans la theorie de la relativite de nouvelles justifications, et l'effondrement de la notion de substance va mettre en cause la conception standard. Le dualisme ontologique semble survivre a ces attaques mais au prix d'un complet reamenagement conceptuel. La substance cede la place a l'evenement comme paradigme des particuliers.