Plaidoyer pour l'écriture fragmentaire
Lyon 3Disciplines:
Abstract EN:
Our interest in fragmental writing stems from the fact that we believe it to be a form of writing particularly adapted to the transformations in mental outlook of modern times. It seems to us that fragmental writing occupies a unique place at the heart of the rapid expansion of the audio-visual means of communication, seeking, as it does, to give an account of the real, while respecting the discontinuity of experience, and while questioning its meaning. Through its magnetic force, its concentrated content, its reduced number of propositions as much as through the breaks that occur, the vivacity of this form of writing makes it apt to grasp the vitality of the moment. Throughout this research we have relied principally for support on the work of roland barthes. This author has contribued to a renewal in the understanding of the text, showing that writing is intimately allied with desire and pleasure. We have striven to put forward the multiplicity of criteria which allow the appreciation of the text in the plurality of its dimensions, thus favouring the unfolding of the significance. The opening up of this new perspective has upset the stereotyped roles. Henceforth both writer and reader contribute to the making of the text. Traversed by the writing, they undertake a voyage of co-creation. Amongst the fragmental form-types, we have applied ourselves to the study of the "haiku" and the fragment, and we have indicated the risks and the limits that the wager of the journal, the danger of the maxim and the originality of the commentary may involve. It has been our intention to demonstrate how fragmental writing, favouring as it does the position of the investigator, invites everyone to put himself in a situation of active participation in relation to his environment. A useful form of dynamism in our times.
Abstract FR:
Nous nous sommes interesses a l'ecriture fragmentaire comme forme d'ecriture particulierement adaptee aux changements de mentalite de la modernite. Au sein du foisonnement des moyens audio-visuels de communication, l'ecriture fragmentaire nous a paru tenir une place originale, cherchant a rendre compte du reel en respectant le discontinu de l'experience et en interrogeant le sens. Par sa force attractive, son contenu ramasse, ses propositions demultipliees autant que les ruptures effectuees, cette ecriture presente la vivacite apte a cerner la vitalite de l'instant. Nous avons pris appui tout au long de notre recherche principalement sur les travaux de roland barthes. Cet auteur a contribue au renouvellement de la comprehension du texte, montrant que l'ecriture a partie liee avec le desir et le plaisir. Nous nous sommes efforces de presenter la multiplicite de criteres permettant d'apprecier le texte dans sa dimension plurielle, propice au deploiement de la signifiance. Cette nouvelle perspective est venue bouleverser les roles stereotypes. Desormais ecrivain et lecteur contribuent tous deux a faire le texte. Traverses par l'ecriture, ils s'engagent dans l'itinerance d'une co-creation. Parmi les formalisations fragmentaires, nous nous sommes attaches a l'etude du haiku, du fragment, et avons pointe les enjeux et limites que pouvaient representer le pari du journal, l'ecueil de la maxime et enfin l'originalite du commentaire. Nous avons voulu montrer comment l'ecriture fragmentaire, privilegiant la position du chercheur, invitait chacun a se mettre en situation de participation active par rapport a son environnement. Dynamique utile a notre temps.