Michel Foucault entre l'historique et le transcendantal
Paris 12Disciplines:
Abstract EN:
Investigating the problem of the historical and the tanscendantal in michel foucault's works enabled me to reveal the author's most constant preoccupation, which was to give a transposition of the "critical" question of the conditions of possibility of knowledge that would allow it to escape from the deadends of the transcendantal theme (understood as anthropologized). Moreover, studying foucault's three main philosophical sources (kant, nietzsche, heidegger) led me to discover, for each stage of the author's intellectual development, the lack of a sound and consistant enough theoretical foundation. Henceforth, i tried to pinpoint and identify the recurrent guises of the transcendantal theme infoucault's work, mostly by analyzing the notions of "episteme", "historical a priori", "power knowledge" and "problematization".
Abstract FR:
L'examen de la question de l'histoire et du transcendantal chez michel foucault fait apparaitre le souci constant de reformuler la question "critique" des conditions de possibilite du savoir en lui donnant un inflechissement historique cense lui permettre d'echapper aux apories du transcendantal sous sa version anthropologique. Correlativement, l'etude des differentes sources d'inspiration philosophique dont s'est reclame foucault (kant, nietzsche, heidegger) met en lumiere, a chaque etape du developpement de la reflexion de l'auteur, l'absence d'un soubassement theorique coherent et suffisamment solide, lequel a pour consequence une serie de retours successifs du transcendantal sous diverses formes, notamment a propos des notions d'"episteme", d'"a priori historique", de "savoir-pouvoir", de "regime discursif", ou encore de "problematisation".