
Le souci de l'épochè : Heidegger et les sens du multiple de l'épochalité

Defense date:

Jan. 1, 1996



Paris 12



Abstract EN:

This thesis has begun an analysis of the meaningfulness of epoche in the thinking of martin heidegger in an attempt to show that it belongs to phenomenology. In order to draw the phenomenological foundation of epoche, i have studied the heideggerian critic of the methodical reduction by husserl ant then its radicalization as reconduction from being to being and as original epoche of being. Then i have examined both the expression of epoche of being as an original suspension of being in its history and as a constituent principle of the epochs of being in order to establish the relation, that is placed in the depth of being and time, between the reductive epoche as phenomenological method and the epoche of being as the destiny of being.

Abstract FR:

La these a entrepris l'analyse des differents sens de l'epoche dans la pensee de heidegger afin de montrer son appartenance a la phenomenologie. En vue de degager l'assise phenomenologique de l'epoche, nous avons etudie la critique heideggerienne de la reduction methodique husserlienne puis sa radicalisation comme reconduction de l'etant a l'etre et comme epoche originaire. Ensuite, nous avons interroge la locution de l'epoche de l'etre comme suspension originaire de l'etre dans son histoire et comme principe constitutif des epoques de l'etre afin donc d'etablir le lien ou le rapport situe au coeur de l'etre et de son deploiement temporel entre cette epoche reductive comme methode phenomenologique et l'epoche de l'etre comme mode destinal de l'etre.