La place de l'analyse des sens dans la seconde philosophie biranienne
Paris 4Disciplines:
Abstract EN:
This Ph. D analyses the place and the role of the five senses in Maine de Biran's philosophy. Sources of Biran's reflections, Locke and Condillac among them, are studied in order to pinpoint their exact influences and the point from which Biran departed to create his own method. One of the main results of his philosophy is a criticism of representation as a mean to understand the connection between the ego and the external world. Finally, Maine de Biran's work is centered on the “corps propre,” that is to say the deployment of the ego through what is, in the body, appropriated to it. His philosophy of the senses is focused therefore on the body itself.
Abstract FR:
Ce travail est consacré à la place de l'analyse des sens dans la philosophie biranienne. Il examine certaines sources de Biran (en particulier Locke et Condillac) et porte d'une part sur la critique de la représentation (à partir d'une confrontation avec Berkeley et Hume) et d'autre part sur la problématique corps/sens. Il s'agit pour Biran non pas de reconstruire un ego à partir des données sensorielles mais d'intégrer ces données dans le déploiement corporel (corps propre) de l'ego/vouloir.