Individuations manieres d'etre
Abstract EN:
How can we speak of individuation? how far can we go into individuations? twenty four centuries separate these two ways of considerating the same question. Through those two interrogation means aristote and g. Deleuze seem both to refer the question of individuation to that of consistency, but through very different ways. If the problem of consistency has still a sens outside the thought of substance, then what does that kind of non-substantial consitency cover? indeed, individuals differ, distinguish themselves the one from the other. But does this statement concern the question of individuation to such an extent? philosophers (like h. Bergson, m. Merleau-ponty, g. Simondon) but artists as well (p. Cezanne, p. Klee, a. Artaud, m. Blanchot) will help us no doubt to lay out the essential stakes of such an interrogation. In fact, we can wonder wether we do not always differ from someone or something according to extrinsic difrerences - whereas we become the patient of an individuating difference as we actualize a background or as we resolve a given configuration of problematic regions according to the scope of a certain ability or singular way of being.
Abstract FR:
Comment parler de l'indivudation? jusqu'ou peut-on aller dans les individuations? vingt quatre siecles separent ces deux manieres d'envisager la meme question. A travers ces deux modes d'interrogation, aristode et g. Deleuze semblent rapporter tous deux la question de l'individuation a celle de la consistance, mais par des voies tres differentes. Si le probleme de la consistance fait sens encore en dehors d'une pensee de la substance, que recouvre alors cette sorte de consistance non substantielle? certes, les individus different, se distinguent les uns des autres. Mais ce constat interesse-t-il au plus profond la question de l'individuation? des philosophes (h. Bergson, m. Merleau-ponty, g. Simondon), mais aussi des ecrivains (a. Artaud, m. Blanchot), des peintres (p. Cezanne, p. Klee) nous aideront sans doute a tracer les enjeux essentiels d'une telle interrogation. On peut se demander, en effet, si l'on ne differe pas toujours de quelqu'un ou de quelque chose en fonction de differences extrinseques, tandis qu'on devient le patient d'une difference individuante a mesure qu'on actualise un fond, ou bien qu'on resout une certaine configuration de regions problematiques suivant l'envergure d'une certaine capacite ou maniere d'etre singuliere.