
Impasses et authenticité de la relation à autrui

Defense date:

Jan. 1, 1993



Toulouse 2




Abstract EN:

This higher doctoral thesis focuses on the notion of "authenticity" and highlights the problems related to its meaning. The keypoint is to describe the nature of the authenticity in relationships with the others and to understand the rationale of the limitations of these relationships. The issue is reviewed both from a psycoanalytic and philosophical viewpoint. Some fundamentalm variables required to question ther notion of authenticity have been identified. The authenticity of the relationships with others appears to be an ethical challenge when compared to the theoretical logic of limitations. This is illustrated by the study of relationships in teaching. The philosophical, ethical and epistemological aspects of the central concept of authenticity are all taken into account.

Abstract FR:

Cet essai a pour but d'interroger le concept d'"authenticite", de problematiser sa signification. La reflexion etant plus particulierement resserree sur l'authenticite de la relation a autrui, il s'agit d'abord de comprendre la logique des impasses de cette relation. Le probleme est aborde sous le double eclairage de la psychanalyse et de la philosophie. Il s'agit ensuite d'identifier quelques variables fondamentales du questionnement sur l'autthenticite de la relation a autrui, laquelle apparait comme parti et enjeu ethique par rapport a la logique des impasses. Un exemple est approfondi: celui de la relation d'enseignement. L'"authenticite" y est pensee dans ses dimensions philosophique, ethique et epistemologique.