Marx, Engels et l'Etat
Lyon 3Disciplines:
Abstract EN:
Even though marx has not dealt with the problem of the state as extensively as with economic matters, this problem remains present thoughout his work. Starting from hegel and his own critique of hegel, marx asserts himself as an author who ascribes the prominent part to the civil society. The state must die out, and the instrument of this extinction is the dictatorship of the proletariat, which foretells the separation between state and civil society. In the marxian utopia, the dictatorship of the proletariat, the growing of democracy and the dying out of the state are three aspects of one movement, which is the dialectical process of the revolution.
Abstract FR:
La question de l'etat n'a pas recu dans l'oeuvre de marx l'ampleur du developpement des questions economiques, mais on la trouve en permanence a travers cette oeuvre. Partant de hegel et le critiquant marx s'affirme en donnant le role essentiel a la societe civile. L'etat doit deperir et l'instrument de cette operation est la dictature du proletariat qui annonce la separation de l'etat avec la societe civile. Pour l'utopie marxienne la dictature du proletariat, le developpement de la democratie et le deperissement de l'etat, sont trois aspects d'un mouvement unique et constituent le processus dialectique de la revolution.