Pessoa, le passeur metaphysique ou : la poesie comme pensee de la poesie comme pensee
Université Marc Bloch (Strasbourg) (1971-2008)Disciplines:
Abstract EN:
Fernando pessoa : portuguese poet (1888-1935) comprehensive study of pessoa's heteronymous works, i. E. The poems written under the fictional names alberto caeiro, ricardo reis, alvaro de campos and under the orthonymous identity of fernando-pessoa-in-person, as well as the prose of the book of unrest, written by the semi-heteronymous bernardo soares, in order to clarify the category of "heteronymy" and "heteronyms" forged by pessoa himself. The objective of this research is to identify such a category from within poetry : the sudden appearance of the four heteronymous poets as an event; consideration of what the poem must assume vis-a-vis metaphysics and philosophy; and what the poem becomes when the poem meditates poetry as thought on poetry. As method, a "reading" of the poems, placed in opposition to both literary commentary and hermeneutic interpretation. The existence of heteronymy leads to a revision of verdicts : the ending century shall not have pronounced the epilogue of metaphysics and the death of philosophy alone. Taking pessoa as a support makes it possible to reduce the influence of heidegger, and at the same time to deliver holderlin from the weighty burden that philosophy imposes by designating him as the "poet's poet". Pessoa lightens philosophy rather than denying its existence ; the poet unfolds the original project of a "metaphysic without metaphysics" from within the poem, through four powerful figures : the garder (caeiro), the fictioner (pessoa-in-person), the effacer of the gods (reis), and the watcher (campos). While he criticized metaphysics most accurately by means of the poem, pessoa discerned how he would, and could, become the metaphysician go-between
Abstract FR:
Fernando pessoa : poete portugais (1888-1935). Examiner l'ensemble de l'oeuvre heteronyme de pessoa, - c'est a dire les poemes ecrits sous les noms fictifs d'alberto caeiro, ricardo reis, alvaro de campos et sous le nom de l'orthonyme "fernando-pessoa-en-personne", ainsi que la prose du "livre de l'inquietude" ecrite par le "semi-heteronyme" bernardo soares - afin de preciser la categorie d'heteronymie et d'heteronymes, forgee par pessoa lui-meme. Cette recherche vise a situer cette categorie de l'interieur de la poesie : evenementialite du surgissement des quatre poetes heteronymes; pensee des taches du poeme dans son vis a vis avec la metaphysique et la philosophie; deploiement du poeme comme pensee de la poesie comme pensee. Avec pour methode, une "lecture" des poemes, qu'on opposera et au commentaire et a l'interpretation. L'heteronymie nous oblige a modifier les verdicts : le siecle qui s'acheve n'aura pas prononce seulement la peremption de la metaphysique et la fin de la philosophie. Prendre appui sur pessoa rend possible de circonscrire heidegger, et de delier du meme coup holderlin de la trop lourde charge que le philosophe lui fait porter en le nommant "poete du poete". Allegeant la philosophie plus encore qu'il ne l'ecarte, pessoa donne en effet abri dans le poeme, selon les quatre puissantes figures du gardeur, du fictionneur, de l'effaceur des dieux et du veilleur, au projet inedit d'une "metaphysique sans metaphysique". Ayant fait, en poemes, la critique la plus severe de la metaphysique, pessoa decouvrit aussi comment il devait et pouvait en etre le passeur.