Essai de biographie du Shaykh Al-Akbar Muhyi i-Din Ibn Arabi (OB. 638 1240)
Paris 1Disciplines:
Abstract EN:
The aim of this biographical work is to reconstruct the spiritual and intellectual itinerary of the famous sufi Muhyi al-din Ibn Arabi (d. 638 1240) by placing it, as much as possible, in the religious and historical context of his time. Ibn 'Arabi was born in Murcia (Spain) in 1165 and died in Damascus in 1240, after having spent most of his life travelling throughout the Islamic world, first in the Maghreb and then in its eastern regions. Thus his destiny was to participate in one of the most dramatic periods in the history of the Muslim world: in the west, where Ibn Arabi spent the first forty years of his life, the reconquista was constantly gaining new ground ; in the Islamic east, to which he emigrated, the crusades were continuing and the Mongols hordes were approaching. This study, based on the detailed examination of both Ibn 'Arabi's own voluminous writings and external sources, does more than simply retrace the chronology and external events of his life. It also attempts to outline and clarify the critical moments, the decisive spiritual stages of his life, while at the same time relating that extraordinary destiny to the society in which it was situated.
Abstract FR:
Essentiellement biographique, le propos de ce travail est de restituer l'itinéraire spirituel et intellectuel du grand soufi Muhyi l-din Ibn Arabi (ob. 638 1240) en le situant autant que possible dans le contexte religieux et historique de l'époque. Né à Murcie en 1165, Ibn Arabi meurt à Damas en 1240 après avoir passé la majeure partie de sa vie à sillonner l'occident musulman d'abord, puis l'orient. Sa destinée s'inscrit donc à l'un des moments les plus dramatiques de l'histoire du monde musulman : en Occident, ou Ibn Arabi passe les quarante premières années de sa vie, la reconquista gagne chaque jour du terrain ; en Orient, ou il émigra ensuite, les croisades se succèdent et le péril mongol se rapproche. Par un dépouillage minutieux des sources internes et des sources externes, ce travail tente non seulement de retracer la vie d'Ibn Arabi de manière chronologique et évènementielle mais également d'en mieux éclairer et ordonner les moments privilégiés, les étapes spirituelles marquantes et, d'autre part, de situer cette destinée exceptionnelle dans l'époque et la société qui en constituent le cadre.