
Les ancetres paternels de frederic chopin

Defense date:

Jan. 1, 1986



Paris 4



Abstract EN:

Francois chapin, a native of the dauphine region, came to live in lorraine at the beginning of the xviiith century. He married in 1705 at romont (vosges) and settled down in xirocourt (meurthe et moselle). His descendants settled down in the madon valley : most of them were weavers ; all of them were vine-growers at the end of then lives. They were rural oraftsmen. Francois chopin, grandson of the above mentioned, grandfather of frederic, came to live at marainville in 1769 ; he was a cartwright. The were 250 inhabitants in this locality and two castles ; the estate became a county in 1728 ; on a lorrain background both french and central-european influences came to coexist. Between 1780 to 1785, the county was acquired by jean michel pac, a lithuanien and former head of the bar confederacy. Francois chopin, who was responsible for the community, and his friend abbot noel were the friends of this new lord. And when they left marainville, jean michel pac and his intendant jean weydlich took with them nicolas chopin, frederic's father, to alsace and poland. The latter eventually proved to be a remarkable pedagogue. The study of these particular generations brings to light the main characteristics of the chopin family, the aptitudes developed and transmitted within the family. The knowledge of ancestors, when founded on numerous and inefutable documents, allows one to grasp the very important climate of youth, and to understand the education first given and then adopted : very often it explains as well the various contacts established by the youngman. The present study includes an abondant and original iconography ; it is based upon bona fide documents which, for the most part, have never been published. The genealogy of the chopins living in lorraine puts the finishing touch to this research which had been long requested by frederic's best biographers.

Abstract FR:

Francois chapin, originaire du dauphine, vient se fixer en lorraine au debut du xviiieme siecle. Il se marie en 1705 a romont (vosges) et s'etablit a xirocourt (m. M. ). Ses descendants s'installent dans la vallee du madon ; ils sont pour la plupart tisserands ; tous cultivent la vigne a la fin de leur vie. Ce sont des artisans ruraux. Francois chopin, petit fils du precedent, grand pere de frederic, vient demeurer a marainville en 1769 ; il est charron. Cette commune compte 250 habitants. . . Et deux chateaux ; la seigneurie est elevee en comte en 1728 ; la coexistent sur un fond lorrain des influences francaises et centre europeennes. De 1780 a 1785, le comte est acquis par jean michel pac, lithuanien, ancien chef de la confederation de bar. Francois chopin, syndic de la communaute, son ami l'abbe noel furent les amis de ce nouveau seigneur. Et quand ils quitterent marainville, jean michel pac et son intendant jean adam weydlich emmenerent nicolas chopin, pere de frederic en alsace puis en pologne. Ce dernier devait se montrer un remarquable pedagogue. L'etude de ces quelques generations met bien en lumiere les dominantes des chopin, les aptitudes acquises et transmises au sein de la famille. La connaissance des ancetres, quand elle est fondee sur des documents nombreux et irrefutables, permet de mieux cerner le climat si important de l'enfance, de mieux saisir l'education donnee puis choisie, elle explique bien souvent la vie de relation menee par l'adolescent. . . Le present travail comporte une iconographie abondante et originale, il s'appuie sur des pieces justificatives pour la plupart inedites. La genealogie des chopin lorrains vient clore cette recherche souhaitee depuis longtemps par les meilleurs biographes de frederic.