L'abbe nicolas roze (1745-1819) maitre de chapelle et bibliothecaire
Université Marc Bloch (Strasbourg) (1971-2008)Disciplines:
Abstract EN:
Nicolas roze (1745-1819) took an important place in the musical life of the end of the 19 th century and in the bigining of the 19th century. He learned music as a chorister to the collegiate church of beaune. After becoming a priest, he became successively music master at the collegiate church of beaune, at the cathedral saint maurice in angers, and at the holy innocents in paris. Then, he devoted himself to composing music for many parisian churches, and teaching harmony in private lessons. In 1807, he was appointed librarian of the paris conservatoire of music, a position he held until his death. Thanks to his memories he wrote during the time he spent at the conservatoire, we managed to reconstituate the story of the library beetween 1807 and 1819. His main work consist in the writing of 17 catalogues. A study oh them allows to understand the organisation of a collection of music and the contents of the library. It contributes to the knowledge of the theorical thought of the beginning of the 19th century.
Abstract FR:
L abbe nicolas roze (1745-1819) fut une personnalite musicale importante dont l'influence est encore sensible aujourd'hui. Originaire de bourgogne, il fit son apprentissage a la maitrise de beaune. Devenu pretre, il fut nomme maitre de chapelle successivement a la collegiale notre-dame de beaune, a la cathedrale saint-maurice d'angers, et a l'eglise des saints- nnocenis de paris ii se consacra a la composition et a renseignement prive. En 1807. Il accepta le poste de bibliothecaire du conservatoire de musique et de declamation de pans. Il participa alors a l'organisation et a la constitution de la bibliotheque grace a. Es^ats^ redigea (son iourna1 et des catal^ues)' l'histoire de la bibliotheque, entre 1807 et 1819 a pu etre reconstituee. Son ~uvre principale consiste en la redaction de dix-sept catalogues. Une etude approfondie de ceux-ci permet de mieux comprendre sa demarche dans 1 organisation d'un fonds musical et d'entrevoir le contenu de la bibliotheque. Elle constitue par la une contribution a la connaissance de la pensee theorique et du repertoire musical pratique par les musiciens du xixe siecle.