
Les hymnes "Pange lingua" dans la polyphonie vocale et instrumentale à la Renaissance

Defense date:

Jan. 1, 1988



Paris 4



Abstract EN:

The analysis of the pange lingua hymns composed in europe in the 15th and 16th centuries allows us to examine in detail the general tendencies of the religious repertoire of the period. Examples of this include the increasing number of voices, the rise of the imitative style, the decline of the use of the cantus firmus in long note values, towards a cantus firmus integrated into the polyphony, the development of the musical language towards a balance between counterpoint and harmony, modal and tonal feeling, the progressive incorporation of the major third in final chords, and, on the prosodic level, the will to make the words more perceptible and to respect the latin accentuation in the post-tridentine works. Finally, the instrumental pange lingua illustrate, representatively, the different stages of the stylistic liberation of the instrumental repertoire with regard to the vocal writing.

Abstract FR:

L'analyse des pange lingua composes en europe aux xve et xvie s. , permet d'examiner dans le detail, les tendances generales du repertoire religieux de l'epoque, comme, par exemple, l'accroissement de l'effectif, l'essor du style imitatif, le recul du cantus firmus en valeurs longues, au profit d'un cantus firmus integre a la polyphonie, l'evolution du langage vers l'equilibre entre contrepoint et harmonie, sentiment modal et tonal, l'incorporation progressive de la tierce majeure dans les accords terminaux et, sur le plan prosodique, la volonte de rendre plus perceptibles les paroles ou de respecter l'accentuation latine, dans les oeuvres post-tridentines. Enfin, les pange lingua instrumentaux illustrent, de facon assez representative, les differents stades de l'emancipation stylistique du repertoire instrumental, par rapport a l'ecriture vocale.