L'homme comme mythe et comme utopie : a propos de l'anthropologie religieuse deludwig feuerbach
Paris 1Disciplines:
Abstract EN:
Feuerbach does not advocate a simple atheism, but the unveiling of the belief which, by recognizing its foundation, looks at itself to surpass itself in view of its transitive suppression. The affirmation of atheism, if there is one, is the reflexive decision which denies the extent of its rising ; it is not enough to decree god's death to assert that everything attached to this concept may be resolved. Thus, immortality and the correlating feeling of infinity liberate themselves from the links, both mythical and theological, whose representative meaning constitutes their basis. So to discern the source which allows the unity of immortality and feeling to draw its contents reveals man to the vertigo of a direliction which, by recognizing itself as historical, exerts itself to conceive the testimony of its absoluteness ; this is where the idea of utopia draws its essential contents. Its presupposition being religion and its horizon being the human species, utopia affirms itself, reachesthe specific verification of its being, and, by so doing, recognizes its historic aspect as a process of "reification" of infinity : as consciousness. Rather than giving a decisive opinion - yes or no| - concerning the authenticity of the divine, feuerbach penetrates to the core of belief to show its own evidence : thus, it is up to the belief to decide, and this, once the road has been traveled, on the basis of its understood identity.
Abstract FR:
Feuerbach ne preconise pas un atheisme tout plat, mais le devoilement de la croyance qui, reconnaissant son fondement, se regarde en face pour se depasser en elle-meme en vue de sa suppression transitive. L'affirmation de l'atheisme, s'il y en a un, est la decision reflexive qui nie l'etendue de sa suscitation; il ne suffit pas de decreter la mort de dieu pour que tout ce qui s'y rattache soit aussitot resolu. Ainsi, l'immortalite et le sentiment d'infini qui lui est correlatif sont amenes a se delivrer des liens a la fois mythique et theologique dont la signification representative constitue leur fondement. Or, discerner la source qui permet a la dyade immortalite-sentiment de puiser son contenu revele l'homme au vertige d'une dereliction qui, se reconnaissant historique, s'evertue a forger l'indice de son absoluite; c'est de la que l'utopie tire sa teneur essentielle. Son presuppose etant la religion et son horizon le genre, l'utopie s'affirme, advient a la verification specifique de son etre, et, ce faisant, reconnait son historicite comme processus de reification de l'infini : comme conscience. Plutot que donner une expertise tranchante - oui ou non| - quant a l'authenticite du devin, feuerbach penetre le coeur meme de l'identite de croyance pour la montrer a sa propre evidence : c'est donc a elle d'en decider et ceci, apres le parcours fait, sur la base de son soi compris.